    The marketing effect of product placement in films and television programs
    Abstract:Nowadays, television is a commonplace and computers and the Internet are recreational activities when people take a rest. With televisions are widespread, more and more television programs and films are attracted by people. Many people crush on a teleplay and wait for it every day. And based on the current situation, advertisers target this opportunity to begin to put advertising in TV programs and films. Because the audience has already tired of television advertising spots, and even some advertising is too long, the product placement became more and more popular in order to make audience accept the advertisements. Based on the existing product placement cases, combined with consumer perception of product placement, introduce and analysis product placement , and come to a conclusion whether the marketing effect of product placement is good, whether consumers can accept this marketing mode. I will also offer some suggestions for product placement.
    Keywords: films and television programs; product placement; marketing effect;
     目   录
    一、引言    1
    (一)课题研究的背景与目的    1
    (二)课题研究的方法与意义    1
    二、植入式广告概述    2
    (一)植入式广告的含义    2
    (二)植入式广告的植入方式和手法    2
    1、道具植入    2
    2、角色植入    2
    3、台词植入    3
    4、剧情植入    3
    5、场景植入    3
    6、音效植入    3
    7、文化植入    3
    三、植入式广告的现状及SWOT分析    5
    (一)植入式广告的现状    5
    (二)植入式广告的SWOT分析    5
    1.优势    5
    2.劣势    6
    3.机会    6
    4.威胁    6
    四、基于植入式广告的企业营销案例    7
    (一)京东商城与《男人帮》    7
    (二)《非诚勿扰Ⅱ》中的植入式广告    8
    五、植入式广告对消费者的影响    9
    (一)消费者对植入式广告的关注    9
    (二) 消费者对植入式广告以及品牌的看法    10
    (三) 消费者受到植入式广告的影响    11
    优尔、对植入式广告营销的建议    13
    1.注重植入方式、创新以及其他宣传手段    13
    2.不同的产品采用不同的植入手法    13
    3. 植入式广告适用于知名品牌    13
    4.广告商们要选对人、选对戏    14
    5.需建立完善体制来管理、监督植入式广告    14
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