
    Analysis New Features of Commercial Movie’s Marketing Mode
    Abstract:  In recent 10 years, China's film market is increasingly mature. The escalating of movie industry, the rapid expansion of cinemas and viewing population, the rapid advances at box office, which all show that China is on the way to the super movie country. Commercial movie is developing in an unprecedented speed and creating huge market. Then it faces much problems in the film quality, the grade of viewing, distribution system, and the market regulation. Plenty of movie practitioners are plagued by the weak in movie marketing concept, talent, single mode. Compared with previous years, the audience composition form, viewing preferences and information channels are all have significant changes. So the Internet popularization, the mobile terminal, the media, the marketing platform changed, as well as the movie marketing mode. The movie marketing role has presented new features: marketing in integration stage, taking network serious, integrated marketing with different media. Through discussing the new features of movie marketing mode under new condition, which will brings the objective and good advice to Chinese film.

    Keywords: commercial movie; marketing mode; comprehensive integrated marketing
    目  录
    一、    引  言    1
    二、    商业电影的发展现状    4
    (一)    产业规模及增长趋势    5
    (二)    院线数及银幕数增长情况    6
    (三)    我国电影海外票房    6
    三、    商业电影发展的社会经济条件    8
    (一)    商业电影的定义    8
    (二)    商业电影与艺术电影的区别    8
    (三)    商业电影发展的影响因素    9
    1.    国民经济的发展状况    9
    2.    相关的产业政策支持    9
    3.    城市化基础设施的完善    9
    四、    商业电影营销新特征    11
    (一)    新特征之一——一体化分期营销广为盛行    11
    1.    特征内涵    11
    2.    案例解析:《致我们终将逝去的青春》    12
    (二)    新特征之二——网络化营销受高度重视    14
    1.    特征内涵    14
    2.    案例解析:《小时代》    16
    (三)    新特征三——新媒体社会化整合营销全面升级    17
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