    Influence and Countermeasures of population aging on health insurance in China
    ——From Shanghai Perspective
    ABSTRACT:With the intensification of China's aging population, the health insurance system for the continuous stable operation challenges. With an aging population there has been a fact that the aging population, prolonged survival of society as a whole on the increasing demand for health insurance, the relative shortage of labor, health insurance contributions subject declining. As low level of economic development, medical insurance funding levels low, but a higher level of demand for medical services such "two low and one high" relative to the combined effect of the phenomenon of population aging into the same social or welfare state developed countries, China's "old before getting rich" health insurance more severe challenges. How in the "two low, one high" continue to protect the unfavorable context, the majority of people's basic health care, to maintain the sustainable and healthy development of social economy, to create a harmonious society in China's current government health insurance authority must consider the major issues. Therefore, in the current situation, the solution of population aging on health insurance I had a crucial impact.
    KEY WORDS: Health insurance, Demographic aging, Strategy
    一、绪论    4
    (一)研究背景    4
    (二)研究目的    4
    (三)研究意义    4
    (四)研究方法    5
    二、正文    5
    (一)上海人口老龄化的现状    5
    1、人口老龄化的概念界定    5
    (1)人口老龄化概念的提出    6
    (2)人口老龄化的相关学术理论    6
    (3)我国人口老龄化的整体现状及发展趋势    6
    2、上海人口老龄化的概况、特点及发展趋势    7
    (1)上海人口老龄化的特点    7
    (2)上海人口老龄化的现状及发展趋势    7
    (二)人口老龄化对上海医疗保险的影响    9
    1、医疗保险基金支出显著增涨    9
    2、医疗保险基金筹资主体相对减少    10
    3、老年人口医疗服务需求与基本医疗保险的保障水平不相适应    10
    (三)人口老龄化背景下完善上海医疗保险的对策    10
    1、国外的医疗保险如何应对人口老龄化    11
    (1)实行老人医疗保险——美国    11
    (2)实施全民医疗保险——泰国    11
    (3)建立老年护理保险——德国和新加坡    12
    (4)增收节支措施——日本    12
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