    Influence of mass media on adolescent socialization
    Abstract : With the emergence of mass media,it provides people with the means to more quickly and easily ,but also to bring a lot of negative impact on youth .Now ,the mass media has affected all aspects of youth.Mass media can expend the awareness of young people ‘s face and broaden their horizons,but the mass media can also pass some bad informations that affect the growth of young people who need more knowledges.In addition,the mass media can influence the values behavior of young people,so that young people can improve their own quality ,however ,the bad information can also be misleading to the youth.For the influence of mass media on young people,we have to look objectively.and the important things is to guide young people a correct understanding of media and better access to information.We study the issue mainly about the impact of mass media on adolescent socialization and the research method are literature collection,case studies ,field surveys etc.And this subject let the youth learn how to select the mass media information.
    Key words:Mass media ,Adolescent socialization ,Media literacy,Improvement measures
    目 录
    一、研究问题与回顾    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)研究价值    2
    1、本课题的研究理论价值    2
    2、本课题研究的现实价值    2
    (三)研究的现状    2
    二、课题的核心概念以及研究方法    3
    (一)核心概念解释    3
    1、青少年社会化的概念    3
    2、大众传媒    4
    3、大众传媒发展变化特点以及在我国的发展背景    4
    (二)个案案例研究、文献收集与分析总结方法    4
    三、相关理论基础    5
    (一)关系图    5
    (二)大众传媒的特征与概述    5
    (三)社会化的概述    6
    1、青少年社会化的内容    6
    2、影响青少年社会化的因素    7
    (四)大众传媒对青少年社会化的影响    7
    1、大众传媒对青少年社会化的积极影响    7
    2、大众传媒对青少年社会化的消极影响    7
    四、大众传媒对青少年社会会化的影响现状以及原因    8
    (一)当前青少年所处的大众传媒环境    9
    1、当前青少年所接触的大众传媒类型    9
    2、青少年接触大众传媒的途径和特点    9
    (二)青少年社会化现状以及受大众传媒的影响状况    9
    1、当前青少年社会化的现状    9
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