    关键词  移动电话服务业 顾客满意度  满意度测评
    Title  studying on Customer Satisfaction of mobile phone services                     
    With the times evaluating and economy developing, mobile phone service industry in China have also moved into the customer-oriented era, consumer behavior is particularly important for the existing customer maintenance. Recent years, with the 4G services industry rising, the war among three companies has turn from traditional 2G, 3G business to the 4G battle.
    Meanwhile, the rapid development of China's economy also put forward higher requirements on Internet.
    At the national’s requirement of improving network speed and reducing network costs, three companies have put forward their own measures. This action also increased competition among three operators of the marketing.
    In this case, mobile phone operators want to get their competitive advantages, it is very important to improve customer satisfaction.
    In this paper, Customer Satisfaction Evaluation System is designed , index weight being allocated, questionnaire being designed to collect customer feedback on the mobile phone operators, and SPSS software is used to analyze the results of the questionnaire. This paper studies on the main factors that affect customer satisfaction, and propose appropriate suggestions for improvement.
    Keywords  Mobile phone services   Customer Satisfaction   Satisfaction survey
    目  次
    1. 引言    1
    1.1    研究背景    1
    1.2    研究目的    1
    1.3    研究方法    1
    1.4    研究关键与难点    2
    2.    相关理论研究综述    3
    2.1    国内移动电话服务业现状    3
    2.2    顾客满意度    4
    2.3    顾客满意度相关文献综述    4
    2.4    移动电话服务业的顾客满意度文献综述    6
    3.    研究设计    8
    3.1    研究思路    8
    3.2    研究模型    8
    3.3    研究假设    9
    3.4    测评指标体系    10
    3.5    测评指标的量化    11
    3.6    测量指标权重确定    13
    3.7    研究设计    19
    4.    研究分析    21
    4.1    样本的描述性分析    21
    4.2    测评指标的信度和效度检验    23
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