Abstract:In recent years,because of the "tourism +" strategy, as well as China's culture industry and tourist industry, been promoted to an important strategic position, cultural tourism as a combination of the culture industry and tourist industry ,has been paid more and more attention。 Xuzhou is rich in war culture resources, but those resources don’t be efficiently used。 Therefore, from the perspective of tourist industry chain, this paper absorbs the fusion model of culture industry and tourist industry, with four main industrial chains of tourist industry (tourist resources planning and development, tourist product production, tourist product sales, tourist product consumption) as the main line, using the four points of culture industry and tourist industry integration , named production technology, products, business and market ,as the point of contact to build a fusion mechanism。 This paper hopes to promote the development of cultural tourism in Xuzhou , highlighting the local cultural characteristics, and producing educational significance at the same time。
Key words: war culture, tourism industry chain, integration, Xuzhou
1引言 3
2相关概念与文献综述 4
2。1旅游产业链形态 4
2。2文化与旅游融合文献综述 5
3徐州战争文化资源与旅游融合可行性分析 6
3。1徐州战争文化资源具有较高的旅游价值 6
3。2政府政策是战争文化与旅游融合的制度保障 7
3。3旅游是保护徐州战争文化资源的有效途径 7
4基于旅游产业链视角下的战争文化与旅游融合模型构建 8
4。1产业链视角下的文化产业与旅游产业融合模型 8
4。2徐州战争文化与旅游融合的模型构建 8
5战争文化与旅游融合模型下的融合机制 10
5。1战争文化与旅游在生产技术上的融合 10
5。2战争文化与旅游在产品生产上的融合 10
5。3战争文化与旅游在销售业务上的融合 11
5。4战争文化与旅游在产品消费上的融合 12
6关于融合的对策建议 13
结论 15
参考文献 16
旅游与文化相辅相成,他们具有天然的耦合性,文化是旅游的基础,而旅游则是文化的升华。放眼世界,从古至今,任何一个令人心生向往的旅游目的地无不蕴含着独特且具有魅力的文化内涵。文化赋予了旅游目的地一个生动的灵魂,使其肉体变得鲜活,拥有了可以流动的鲜血和跳动的心脏,例如泰山,由自然景观与人文景观融合而成,是中华民族精神文化的缩影。是文化,让风景壮丽的泰山不至泯然众人。而旅游则是传播文化的一种有效途径,通过旅游,可以将旅游目的地的文化真实地展现在旅游者的面前,从而达到传播文化的目的。源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766