    The Research on the Career Self-Efficacy and Career Choice of the College Graduates
    -Taking Nanjing Agricultural University as an Example
    Abstract:With the job market and the competitive marketplace become more and more tough, the employment problems of the college graduates is getting increasingly serious and becoming a common problem of the whole society. The study bases on the classic studies of the career self-efficacy and the career choice theory, and makes an empirical study on college students. The research finds that in terms of occupational self-efficacy, there are significant differences in different genders. The career self-efficacy and career choice of college students exists significant correlation and there is varying degree positive correlation between prestige status, future development trend and personal security factors. Based on this, the study puts forward that the undergraduate students should improve their career self-efficacy, meanwhile the college should help students make appropriate career choice with the career planning education.
    Keywords: employment of college students; the career self-efficacy; career choice; the career planning
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Keywords    1
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)研究目的与意义    2
    1.研究目的    2
    2.研究意义    2
    (三)研究内容与方法    2
    1.研究内容    2
    2.研究方法    2
    二、文献综述    3
    (一)职业选择的概念及相关理论    3
    1.职业选择的概念    3
    2.职业选择的相关理论    3
    (二)择业效能感的概念及研究现状    4
    1.择业效能感的研究起源    4
    2.择业效能感的研究现状    4
    (三)关于择业效能感和职业选择的研究    5
    三、大学生择业现状分析    5
    (一)大学生就业现状    5
    1.就业人数多    6
    2.大学生竞争力低,择业难度大    6
    3.专业、就业领域不平衡    6
    (二)大学生择业行为特点    6
    1.择业行为具有自我性    6
    2.择业行为具有实用性    6
    3.择业行为具有适应性    6
    4.择业行为具有自主性    6
    (三)大学生择业问题分析    7
    四、大学生择业效能感与职业选择实证研究与分析    7
    (一)研究问卷选取与研究假设    7
    1.择业效能感量表的选取与修订    7
    2.职业选择量表的选取与修订    7
    3.研究假设    7
    4.回收问卷的筛选和整理    8
    (二)研究数据的初步分析    8
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