    摘  要:在计划经济条件下,老字号可以生存,但是,在市场经济条件下,老字号餐饮就失去了自我生存与自我发展的条件。老字号在很长一段时间都停留在老式的品种上,并且,继承观念陈旧,产品缺乏创新。随着社会的发展,人们的消费观念不断向着个性化,品牌化,便利化,多元化发展,老字号餐饮必须开展适应时代需求并且保持原有特色的营销活动。老字号餐饮企业作为研究的对象,结合餐饮行业本身所具有的特点和独特的文化现象,使得体验营销策略在老字号餐饮企业的运用有着特殊性。所以,通过这边文章,将会为我国老字号餐饮企业的发展提供一种理论与实践的借鉴,并且进一步完善我国体验营销理论。29217
    Marketing Strategy Analysis of Our Historical Experience of Catering Enterprises-In Case of Quanjude
    Abstract:Under the condition of planned economy ,old can live ,but,under the condition of market economy ,old restaurant will lose the self survival and self-development conditions.In a very long period of time are stranded in the old varieties,and,he old concept of inheritance,lack of product innovation.With the continuous development of society,people’s consumption concept is more personalized,the brand,the trend of persified development,facilitation.So,The new product of time-honored brand catering to the needs of the times and innovation will keep the original characteristics. Because the old catering enterprises as the research object,according to the characteristics of the catering industry itself has a unique cultural phenomenon and,this makes the experience marketing strategy has the particularity in using old catering enterprises.Therefore,through this article,provides a theoretical and practical reference for the development will be our historical restaurant brands,and further improve the theory of marketing experience in china.              
    Key Words: Undergraduate;Cosmetics Consumer Market;Undergraduate Economic
    目    录
    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、体验营销与老字号餐饮企业概述    2
    (一)体验营销的定义与特征    2
    (二)体验营销的形式与实施模式    3
    (三)老字号餐饮企业的现状    4
    二、老子号餐饮企业开展体验营销的必要性    4
    (一)餐饮行业具有不同于其他行业的独特属性    4
    (二)体验经济条件下餐饮消费需求呈现新的特征    5
    (三)竞争压力促使老字号餐饮企业开展体验营销    5
    (四)老字号餐饮企业具备开展体验营销的先天优势    6
    三、老字号“全聚德”实施体验营销的策略分析    6
    (一)产品体验策略    6
    (二)氛围体验策略    8
    (三)服务体验策略    9
    (四)文化体验营销策略    10
    四、全聚德对我国老字号餐饮企业体验营销的启示    10
    (一)充分挖掘和利用老字号自身的体验优势    10
    (二)善于向顾客提供全面完善的体验感知    11
    (三)能够恰当处理好继承与发展的关系    11
    参考文献    13
    致谢    14
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