    The Influence of College Students' Expectation Wage on Their Regional Choice
    Abstract: Employment is the livelihood projects. The employment system of college students in China has been transforming from "unified management and integrated distribution" of the planned economic system, "pumped into dispensing and grading arrangements" in the beginning of the Reformation ,to “two-way choice and independent job selection,,of the market economic system. With the Investigating and analyzing the actuality of undergraduate employment and the empirical analysis of the college graduates, it included: Firstly, graduates flock together to the first or second-tier cities, midwest become a talent shortage areas. Second, a second tier cities graduates employment market oversupply, college students employment expectations difficult to achieve. The study of college students employment area is a help to understand why college students has this choice, through appropriate policies to promote college students' talent shortage areas to shunt, will be beneficial to in China's regional coordinated development.
    Key words: college graduates;employment regional choice;salary expectation
    目 录
    摘要:    4
    关键词:    4
    Abstract:.    4
    Key words:    4
    引言    4
    一、 文献回顾    5
    (一) 文献综述    5
    1.大学生就业已有研究成果    5
    2.就业区域选择相关理论    6
    (二)大学生就业现状    6
    1.就业现状    6
    二、 研究设计    6
    (一)资料收集方法    6
    1.文献分析法    6
    2.问卷调查法    6
    (二) 资料分析方法    6
    (三) 调查对象基本情况    6
    三、 调查结果分析    7
    (一)就业地域分布情况    7
    1. 期望就业地域分布    7
    2. 实际就业地域分布    8
    (二)期望薪资与实际薪资    9
    1.期望薪资    9
    2.实际薪资    10
    (三)薪资对工作意向地的影响    10
    1.薪资与地域对择业的影响    10
    2.薪资与就业地域的相互关系    11
    3.原因分析    11
    四、 结论与思考    13
    (一)结论    13
    1.就业地域偏好    13
    2.大学生就业选择的理性    13
    (二) 问题及建议    13
    1.地域选择集中带来的问题    13
    2. 改善就业现状的对策建议    14
    (三)总结    15
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