    Content summary
    The planning case through the prophase of washing products industry analysis of laundry soap market analysis, as well as analysis of the area of Shanghai laundry soap market, understand the fan card laundry soap is currently facing the market environment: laundry soap market warms up in the trend, network marketing and experiential marketing began to emerge in the sales. Shanghai area laundry soap brand concentration is high, to spread the cost of expensive; through consumer analysis, to understand the factors that now consumers buy laundry soap consumption psychology and consumption habits: decontamination ability and the price is still the market consumers choose laundry soap is considered the most, consumers of laundry soap brand loyal degree is not high, easily by the promotional activities of the effect. Through competitor analysis will fan card of two main competitors for Diaopai and Qiqiang, respectively analysis the laundry soap brand positioning and marketing means summed up the advantages and disadvantages for the reference of the fan card. Through the analysis of the fan card's own product and brand and then combined with the previous analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of the fan brand washing soap are summarized.. We will fan card brand positioning re positioning of the long history of affordable products, high quality pure domestics, witness China laundry soap a century the development of Shanghai laundry soap. Shanghai propagation is pided into three parts, each part have different online and offline activities, in combination with all kinds of media advertising, for quickly open the fan card in a short period of time, the Shanghai market, improve the fan card brand awareness, promote the purchase of laundry soap, and strive to cultivate their full consumers.
    Key words: Fan washing soap;Shanghai region;Brand communication;Marketing Communication
    目    录
    第一部分  项目简介与毕业设计创作分析说明
    第二部分  扇牌洗衣皂市场分析
  1. 上一篇:合作治理视域下社区协商民主个案分析
  2. 下一篇:预调鸡尾酒RIO徐州市品牌推广方案
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