    Study on China's new rural social security system construction——The defects and perfection on new rural endowment insurance policy in Chongming County of Shanghai City
    Abstract: The rural social endowment insurance is an important part of the social security system in china.It is a important guarantee to solve "three rural problems", maintain the rural economic growth, social development and political stability.However, China's rural old-age security system is always in the edge.A part of the policy could not be completely executed.These conditions occur in the reform of the market economy today is very unreasonable.The existing problems of new agricultural insurance found include:(1)Single financing mode(2)Low level of basic pension security(3)difficult to achieve fund appreciation
    Therefore what we need to do is(1)strengthen publicity for the new agricultural insurance policies (2)Collective and government increase subsidies(3)Appropriate extension of the insured period of farmers(4)To realize the value of social security fund value preservation.It is the inevitable trend of social development for replacing old rural pension insurance with new rural pension insurance.
    Key Words: the new type of rural social security;security policy;study
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 研究背景和目的    1
    (二) 研究意义    1
    1、 现实意义    1
    2、 理论意义    1
    二、文献综述    2
    (一) 国外研究综述    2
    (二) 国内研究综述    2
    (三) 文献综述    4
    三、基础理论    4
    (一)马斯洛需求层次理论    4
    四、新农保现状    5
    (一)新农保概况    5
    (二)新农保政策基本情况    6
    五、实证调研    7
    (一) 调查方法    8
    1、 问卷调查    8
    2、 访谈    8
    (二) 调查对象    8
    (三) 调研发现的问题及不足    9
    (四) 产生问题的原因分析    13
    优尔、完善新农保政策的探讨    15
    七、结论    16
    八、结束语    16
    致谢    17
    参考文献    18
    (一) 研究背景和目的
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