    毕业论文关键词:红包大战 移动支付 顾客忠诚 实证研究
     Empirical Research envelopes war impact on customer loyalty of mobile payment software
    Abstract: At present, domestic and foreign research on customer loyalty has been more, but few people concerned about the financial customer loyalty online, especially red war in recent years. The development of mobile payment software will benefit what in the end. With customers personalized products, customized service increasing, cashback marketing model will operate in which way, this study can not just stay in the traditional customer loyalty but form convincing empirical research.
    In this paper, through reading a lot of references, combining research methods of theory with practice and the red war which is a starting point, were analyzed Paypal and micro-channel switching costs, brand image, perceived value and customer loyalty relationship, building envelopes war of mobile payments Software customer loyalty models. Through questionnaires and statistical software SPSS19.0 statistical analysis, analyse customer loyalty on the mobile payment software in depth. Based on empirical results obtain general conclusions which affect mobile payment software customer loyalty, and return to the current style marketing model recommendations.
    Key Words:red wars, mobile payments, customer loyalty, empirical study
     目 录
    一、绪论    - 1 -
    (一) 研究背景    - 1 -
    (二) 研究目的和意义    - 1 -
    (三) 研究内容和方法    - 2 -
    二、移动支付相关概念界定    - 3 -
    (一)移动支付    - 3 -
     (二)互联网金融    - 4 -
    (三)顾客忠诚    - 5 -
    三、研究模型    - 5 -
    (一)研究模型    - 5 -
    (二)变量释义    - 7 -
    四、研究假设    - 7 -
    (一)顾客感知价值影响顾客忠诚    - 7 -
    (二)转换成本影响顾客忠诚    - 8 -
    (三)品牌形象影响顾客忠诚    - 9 -
    (四)顾客满意、顾客信任、顾客忠诚之间的关系    - 9 -
    五、问卷设计与数据获取    - 9 -
    (一)调查对象    - 9 -
    (二)问卷设计    - 9 -
    (三)研究变量的衡量    - 10 -
    优尔、实证分析    - 12 -
    (一)描述性统计分析    - 12 -
    (二)信度分析与效度分析    - 13 -
    (三)相关分析    - 14 -
    七、结论    - 20 -
    (一)研究结论    - 20 -
    (二)不足与展望    - 21 -
    参考文献    - 22 -
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