毕业论文关键词: 职业危害因素;轮胎生产;防护对策;职业病
Analysis of Occupational Hazards and Protection Measures of a Tire Production Enterprise
Abstract:With the rapid development of China's economy it’s have a full developed in all kinds of industry in China.In 2014,transportation equipment manufacturing is top of contribution rate of industrial growth.Certainly,the rapid development of transportation equipment means tire industry continue to rise.Tire is a key component of the automobile and its made of rubber.The raw materials of tire production is synthetic rubber,natural rubber,process oil,carbon black,fiber and metal material.The main producing step is plasticate,ingredients mixed,preparation process tire molding curing tire components ,sulfide and finished product inspection.In the process of tire production will use a large number of chemical raw materials and have many working procedure in the process of operation.Like it should in a higher temperature or large noise . So there is many occupational hazard factors in the production.This thesis is objective To investigate the occupational hazards factors and hazard rating involved in tire manufacture industry of Hangzhou, to propose protective focal points.The method is Through field investigation, the main occupational hazard factors were analyzed.This thesis is trying to push the occupational hazard factors of production process to reduce the adverse effect to human body and prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases.
Keywords:occupational hazards;tire production; protection measures;occupational disease
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 我国轮胎行业现状与发展 1
1.2 职业危害因素 1
1.2.1 职业危害因素定义 1
1.2.2 职业危害因素分类 1
1.2.3 我国职业危害防治现状 2
1.2.4 国外职业危害防治现状 3
1.3 职业卫生评价 4
1.3.1 职业卫生评价定义 4
1.3.2 评价目的与意义 4
1.3.3 职业卫生评价方法 4
1.4 本论文的目的、意义及内容 4
1.4.1 本论文的目的、意义 4
1.4.2 论文内容 5
2 工艺流程分析 6
2.1 生产过程分析 6
2.1.1 生产工艺流程概况 6
2.1.2 主要生产工序 6
2.1.3 生产岗位设置 8
2.1.4 物料分析 9
2.2 设备及设施 10
2.2.1 主要设备及其布局 10
2.2.2 防护设施设置情况 10
3 职业危害因素辨识 11
3.1 职业病危害因素及其接触情况调查 11
3.2 职业危害因素辨识 11
3.2.1 化学因素辨识 12
3.2.2 物理因素辨识 12
3.3 分析结论 15
4 职业危害现状评价 16
4.1 评价方法的选用 16
- 上一篇:浅析耐克在中国市场的品牌战略
- 下一篇:新生代员工情绪劳动对工作满意度的影响