    摘要近年来,随着经济社会的发展,全球对自然生态环境质量的重视程度逐渐提高,生态环境问题已成为焦点问题。怎样科学有效地对一个区域的生态环境做出准确的监测和评价,已然成为急需解决的当务之急。在国外,遥感技术于二十世纪优尔十年代末应用于监测研究,随后便迅速发展。在国内,虽然起步较晚,但遥感技术于二十世纪七十年代应用于自然环境监测。通过几十年的研究发展,遥感技术已经从过去的航空时代迈进航天时代,探测地物分布情况也更加有效、快速和全面。正是由于生态环境保护意识的加强和遥感技术的快速发展,人们才真正意识到在监测生态环境时运用遥感技术的重要性。本研究以徐州为研究对象,选择Landsat TM和OLI遥感影像作为主要的数据源。利用遥感影像处理软件ENVI 对影像进行处理分析,提取出相关的自然生态环境指标并归一化,最后用综合指数法对生态环境质量进行评价,为有关部门提供参考。50568
    毕业论文关键词: 生态环境,遥感技术,数据处理,指标选取,生态环境评价。
    In recent years, with the development of society and economy, the global emphasis on the ecological quality of the natural environment is gradually improving, ecological and environmental problems have become the focus. How to make accurate monitoring and evaluation of ecological environment of a region scientifically and effectively, it has become urgent priority. In other countries, remote sensing technology was applied to monitoring and research in the late 1960s, and then developed rapidly.In China, although a late starter, remote sensing technology in the 1970s was applied to natural environment monitoring. After decades of development, remote sensing technology has entered the space age from the aviation age, it can comprehensively, rapidly and effectively detect the distribution of objects. Because of the increasing awareness of ecological environment protection in our country and the rapid development of remote sensing technology, people really realize the importance of the application of remote sensing technology in the ecological environment monitoring. Taking Xuzhou as the research object, this study choose Landsat TM and OLI as the main data source. Using remote sensing image processing software ENVI to deal with image analysis, extract the relevant natural ecological index and normalization and finally assess the quality of the ecological environment by comprehensive index method provides a reference for related departments.
    Key words:ecological environment, remote sensing technology, data  processing, index selection, evaluation of ecological environment.
    目   录
    摘   要    I
    Abstract    II
    1  绪  论    1
    1.1选题背景    1
    1.2  研究的目的及意义    1
    1.2.1  研究目的    1
    1.2.2  研究意义    2
    2  理论基础与应用现状    3
    2.1理论基础    3
    2.1.1自然生态环境监测的概念    3
    2.1.2遥感的概念及其发展    3
    2.2遥感在生态环境监测中的应用    4
    2.3国内外应用现状    4
    2.3.1国内研究现状    4
    2.3.2国外研究现状    5
    3  研究内容与方法    6
    3.1研究内容与技术路线    6
    3.2评价指标选取    6
    4  研究实例    9
    4.1研究区概况    9
    4.2数据获取与预处理    9
    4.3研究原理与信息提取    11
    4.4结果分析    13
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