    With more and more clothing brands to enter the Chinese market, as well as in recent years the prosperity of e-commerce development, the store clothing retail is facing increasingly challenge. Purchasing Guide as terminal sales links, their work is closely related to sales performance.The paper hopes to through the researching on the clothing retail business training system effect on sales, the clothing retail enterprises improve the professional training of their employees, makes the enterprise's sales have been good development, so in the actual operation, enable enterprises to benefit. And obtained the enlightenment, found that the lack of current situation and put forward relevant strategy.
    KeyWords:the clothing retail industry;training;performance;knowledge;product;sales techniques;influence
    目  录
    引言                                                                    1
    一、  服装导购员的业务素质对服装零售业销售业绩的影响                    2
    (一)  中国服装零售业的发展现状                                      2
    1、  类似服装产品多以至各品牌单独市场占有率减少                     2
    2、  众多国外品牌进入中国市场以至品牌之间竞争加剧                   3
    3、  电子商务的加入使实体店销售业绩受到威胁                         3
    (二)  提高导购员的素质是增加销售量的途径之一                        3
    1、  导购员是零售业销售的终端环节                                   3
    2、  导购员个人素质及其从业情况                                     3
    二、  服装导购员的业务素质对服装零售业销售业绩的影响                    4
    (一)  服装零售业的特点                                               4
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