

    Abstract:With the rise of emerging formats such as shopping center, the network shopping, the rapid development of online shopping, traditional retail enterprise's rent and labor costs rise, in the strife-torn position. Traditional retail enterprise how to change the original business model, and maintain market share, become the businessmen, academics research hot spot. Now, however, the study focuses on the study and analysis of the development of traditional retail industry, not for a retail enterprises to carry out targeted research, this article will O2O business model theory and combining the Intime department store instance, at the same time in the research of the traditional retail industry, for the Intime department store that an inpidual, its developing strategy of O2O targeted analysis and feasibility, and puts forward the corresponding opinions and Suggestions, aims to explore how the organic combination of traditional retail enterprises and e-commerce, and out of the sustainable development route.


    Keyword: Traditional Retailing Enterprises; Transformation; The Intime Department Store; O2O Business Model

    1.引言 4

    1.1研究背景及意义 4

    1.2研究内容 6

    1.3研究方法 6

    1.4本文创新点 7

    2.文献综述 7

    2.1传统零售企业的转型研究 7

    2.2 O2O 商业模式的研究 8

    2.3目前研究存在的不足 8

    3.传统零售企业的现状和原因分析 9

    3.1传统零售企业的现状 9

    3.2传统零售企业面临困境的原因 9

    4.传统零售企业SWOT分析及战略选择 10

    4.1传统零售企业的SWOT分析 10

    4.2传统零售企业的战略选择 11

    5.问卷调查与分析:以银泰百货为例 12

    5.1调查对象和问卷设计 12

    5.2问卷分析 12

    5.2.1被调查者情况分析 12

    5.2.2被调查者对银泰百货的购物倾向分析 13

    6.依托现代零售商城的互联网商业模式 15

    6.1绫致服饰 15

    6.2优衣库 16

    7.结论及建议 17

    7.1结论 17


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