


     Abstract:  With the rapid development of information technology, the Internet as a medium of e-commerce activity is on the rise worldwide, in many areas have been widely used, is seen as the future of the world's major business activities. The rapid development of e-commerce, so many domestic small and medium private enterprises by the impact, while recognizing the many advantages relative to traditional e-commerce business model, recognizing that e-commerce has become the only way for enterprise development. However, thanks to the Internet, e-commerce industry, yet it belongs to relatively new, small and medium enterprises for the study of e-commerce development is also relatively limited.

    Through literature analysis and case studies for small and medium private enterprises to explore online branding measures. This paper analyzes consumer trends in the Internet environment changes, and these changes with the challenges of small and medium enterprises. Meanwhile, in this environment, some of the first companies to promote measures have major implications. In this paper, through the study of Superman brand analysis of specific measures to promote the brand was on his line. On this basis, the paper online branding small and medium enterprises make specific recommendations to help them to promote good brand, and promote their healthy development.

    毕业论文关键词:电子商务; 中小民营企业; 线上转型;品牌建设

    Keyword: e-Business;Small and medium enterprise;Online Transition;Brand building


    第1章绪论 21

    1.1研究背景及意义 21

    1.2研究内容 21

    1.3 研究方法 21

    第2章互联网发展对中小民营企业的影响 22

    2.1 消费趋势的变化 22

    2.1.1新的消费群体 22

    2.1.2 消费行为的变化 23

    2.2技术革新所带来的变化 23

    2.2.1 沟通方式的变化 23

    2.2.2支付方式的变化 23

    第3章中小民营企业在现阶段发展过程中的问题 24

    3.1 发展现状 24

    3.1.1 增幅明显下滑 24

    3.1.2 增长潜力下降 24

    3.2 面临的问题 24

    3.2.1 中小民营企业受电商冲击严重

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