    摘要在互联网发展迅速的21世纪,网游已成为很多人交友,娱乐,消磨时间的一种比较普遍的方式,但是在这种方式产生的同时也产生了不少关于网游的一些产业,推动着整个经济的发展,今天笔者就对当今网游中比较热门的“英雄联盟”这款网游进行一个简要的消费者行为调查分析。拳头公司通过一些视频宣传、 推广让英雄联盟这款网游暴露在大众的视野之下,并通过这些方式来吸引第一批游戏体验者,但是游戏玩家也是一个独立的自然人,会通过自己的学习去了解这款游戏的,前提是这款游戏的一些劲爆的游戏操作画面、举办的游戏体验活动等已经把玩家的注意力吸引到了。之后体验过活动的玩家会对此款游戏在心中会有一个倾向,即对这款游戏是否持赞成态度,持赞成的玩家就会在游戏公测的时候继续追玩英雄联盟,因为这款网游是即时战略多人协作的游戏,所以玩家会因为人际关系的需要体验这款不是很熟悉的网游,在我们文章中所做的调查可以很明显看到这也是其中一个动机需要。拳头公司在游戏玩家达到一定量的时候,随后开设了游戏商城,并在之后对游戏商城的产品进行视频宣传,起初是一批追新猎奇同时也具备一定购买力的英雄联盟玩家去购买一些游戏商城的产品,同时拳头公司也看到了一些玩家的隐性动机,大力推广宣传游戏商城的产品,并经常展开一些抽奖活动供大家去参加。现在是一个互联网非常发达的世纪,很多网络主播通过帮玩家抽取产品来博取关注,同时这也是抽奖活动间接宣传的一种很好的方式,不过在宣传的同时也产生了一个抽奖活动的群体,大家都会在主播的评论中留下自己所抽取的产品是什么,消费了多少货币等一些信息,这也直接形成了一个参照群体。在游戏玩家中有很多消费者,但是他们各有不同的社会阶层,相对应的也有不同的消费能力,不同的游戏体验时间。英雄联盟在现在的电竞游戏行业中算是炙手可热的,它新推出的产品除了很当初一样的视频宣传以外,更多的是一种玩家们之间对于某款游戏商城产品的口碑。最后我也想衷心建议每一位游戏玩家:理性游戏,绿色消费。同时也要懂得防止网络诈骗及权益维护的手段。48372
    Summary    On the Internet is developing rapidly in the 21st century, online gaming has become a lot of people make friends, entertainment, a common way to kill time, but in this way at the same time also produced a lot about online game industry, driving the development of the economy as a whole, the author is popular in today's online games today \"hero alliance\" of the games on a brief analysis of the consumer behavior survey. Fist company through some video propaganda, the promotion of a hero alliance under this online game exposed to public view, and through these way to attract the first game experience, but the game player is also an independent natural persons, through their own learning to understand the game, the premise is the game some of the awesome game operating picture game experience of the activities, such as have put attention to the players. After experienced will players in this game there will be a tendency in the heart, have a favourable view of whether the game namely, affirmative the players will be in the public beta game continue to make track for to play the hero alliance, because this kind of online game is a real-time strategy game collaboration, so players will because relationships need to experience this is not very familiar with online games, research, conducted in the article we can clearly see this is also one of the motivations. Fist company at the time of game players to reach a certain amount, then opened the game mall, and then to video game mall product propaganda, was originally a batch feeding frenzies hero alliance players also have a certain purchasing power to buy some game mall products, at the same time the fist company has seen some players hidden motives, vigorously promotion game mall products, and often some raffle for everybody to attend. Now is a century of the Internet is very developed, many network anchor through to help players to extract products to attract attention, and it is also sweepstakes indirectly promote a good way, but in publicity at the same time also produced a sweepstakes, you will be left in the host's comments what product samples, how much spending money and some other information, which is directly formed a reference group. In game there are a lot of consumers, but they have different social classes, the corresponding also have different consumption ability, different gaming experience. Hero alliance in e-sports game industry now is hot, it's new products in addition to very had the same video propaganda, is more of a players for a game between mall product reputation. Finally I would like to sincerely suggest every gamer: rational game, green consumption. At the same time also want to know how to prevent online fraud and the interests of maintenance means.
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