



    Abstract Building enterprise information management to establish management systems, and promote structural adjustment construction field, making the daily management to orderly conduct. Greatly improve the management level and comprehensive benefits, prompting the construction industry from extensive to intensive.

    Based on the domestic and international construction business management information based on research, summed up the construction enterprise management information theory, pointing out that the building of enterprise information management is the use of information technology, especially computer technology, network technology, communications technology, control technology , system integration technology and information security technology, to transform and upgrade construction techniques and production organization, improve construction enterprise management level and core competitiveness, improve the construction department of management, decision-making and service levels. Through literature review and field surveys, made in recent years, China's construction enterprises basically popularized CAD, 3D CAD in construction design, architectural design, etc. They are widely applied research status. Proposed the development of China's construction enterprises in the information system exists behind the system, the system utilization is not high, and then put forward some corresponding measures. Finally, the Shanghai Construction and China Construction First Division four companies as the empirical analysis of information management, information management successfully applied in the construction field, hope that through these two cases, prompting the construction of information management.

    Keywords: building business; Information; situation; problems; countermeasures

    目 录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1选题的背景 1

    1.2选题的目的和意义 1

    1.3国内外研究综述 2

    1.4本文的研究内容和方法 5

    第二章 建筑企业管理信息化的基本理论 7

    2.1建筑企业管理信息化定义 7

    2.2 建筑企业管理信息化的内容 8

    2.3 建筑企业管理信息化的基本方法 8

    2.3.1 非常规IT增长期 9


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