    贵州省新型农村合作医疗的实践与思考  ——以贵州省麻江县为例
    关键词:新农合,农村经济,保险   4069
    Guizhou Province New RuralCooperative Medical Practice and Thinking
                   —— Case Study Majiang County in Guizhou Province
    Abstract: The urban-rural dual structure, due to a variety of reasons, rural medical insurance system is different from the urban medical insurance system. Rural medical insurance is organized by the government, guidance, support and voluntary participation of the rural residents, rural residents disease risk, to provide basic medical security insurance system, the individual, collective and multi-party financing, serious illness to co-ordinate based rural regime of medical Huzhugongji. The new type of rural cooperative medical care is the main form of rural medical insurance is the most important rural medical insurance system. Since the 2003 national pilot the new rural cooperative medical care, rural health insurance in China has made some achievements in China's rural medical insurance, but also facing outstanding issues. Rural medical insurance system for the study of topics of Guizhou Province rural cooperative medical research, the perspective of the current problems in China's rural medical insurance, and on this basis for the establishment and improvement of China's rural medical insurance system.
    Keywords: NCMS, the rural economy, insurance
    目 录
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)研究意义和目的    2
    (三)研究现状    2
    (四)研究方法    3
    二、新农合实施情况    4
    (一)贵州省新农合实施现状    4
        (二) 贵州省麻江县新农合开展情况    5
    三、新农合政策实施中存在的问题及原因分析    9
    (一) 对于新农合的福利性认识存在差异    9
    (二) 基金筹资难度加大    10
    (三) 参合农民受益水平有待提高    10
    (四) 经办机构管理服务能力较弱    11
    (五) 流动人口的受益问题    11
    (优尔)各级医疗机构费用增长过快    12
    四、完善贵州省新农合的对策建议    14
    (一)加强对新农合的福利认识和信任    14
    (二)筹资方面    14
    (三)提高收益水平    15
    (四)加强经办机构能力建设    15
    (五) 对不同特征的人口区别对待    16
    (优尔) 控制医疗费用不合理增长    17
    致谢    19
    参考文献    20
    附录    21
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