


    Abstract In recent years, there has been astounding celebrated agricultural feasts in an Internet, this is because the penetration of the Internet technology for agriculture leads to the closer connection between agriculture and Internet.  This close connection is starting from the deep transformation of Internet technology for agriculture, then to subvert the traditional marketing pattern of agriculture, and finally to the Internet enterprises across borders into the field of production and marketing of agricultural products. 

    Enhance the network marketing of farm produce, is an important measurement for promoting economic prosperity of countryside. Agricultural products through network marketing could be better grasp in the information of supply chain, and it also broaden the channels of farm produce sales, promoting the development of farm produce rapidly, orderly and healthily.

    Gannan Navel orange industry is one of the most profitable products as a pillar in Gannan’s rural areas; it has significant achievements in the industry meanwhile it has caused many problems. This essay is based on the theory of brand marketing, integrated marketing, and then analyzed the problems generated in the process of marketing. Using the approach of combining theory with practice, a good and suitable proposal for the development of Gannan navel orange’s network marketing was recommended.

    毕业论文关键词:赣南脐橙; 农产品; 网络营销; 品牌

    Keyword:  Gannan Navel Orange; farm produce;network  marketing;Brand


    1.概论 5

    1.1研究背景及意义 5

    1.1.1选题背景 5

    1.1.2选题意义 5

    1.2国内外研究现状 5

    1.2.1国外的研究现状 5

    1.2.2国内的研究现状 6

    1.3研究的主要内容及研究的方法 6

    1.3.1研究的主要内容 6

    1.3.2研究的方法 7

    1.3.3研究框架 7

    1.4创新点 8

    2.赣南脐橙网络营销策略的理论基础 8

    2.1品牌营销理论 8

    2.2整合营销理论 8

    3.赣南脐橙网络营销策略的实证研究 8

    3.1品牌推广策略 8

    3.2产品和服务策略 9

    3.3包装策略 9

    3.4渠道策略 10


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