    关键词: 农村;普惠性;养老保险;非缴费型;
    The research of universality issue of China’s new rural old-age security
    Abstract:Farmers are not able to participate in the payment type old-age insurance system because of the poverty , which is the disadvantage of the new rural old-age security system . In order to realize the universality of that system , China continually carry out the non-contributory pension program . However, due to the China’s national condition , the system is still in its preliminary stage of development , which has several aspects of problem . This thesis takes the thoery of old-age insurance and public management as theoretical basis , studys the Status quo and the enlightenment of the developing countries’ universal non-contributory rural social old-age insurance system and puts forward specific measures to improve the China’s non-contributory rural old-age insurance system . Like , adhering to the leading role of government in new rural old-age insurance system and strengthening the publicity of that ; Enhancing the effectiveness of the new rural old-age insurance system and amending the unreasonable factors of the policy ; Exploring the development of rural collective economy and guaranteeing the collective allowance ; Increasing the public financial investment of government and improving the level of pension ; Fostering the financial institutions agency and constructing the organization at all levels.
    Key words: Rural area; Universality; Old-age insurance; Non-contributory;
    一、引言  1
    (一)研究目的  1
    (二)研究意义  1
    1、理论意义  1
    2、现实意义  1
    (三)国内外研究综述  3
    1、国外研究综述  3
    2、国内研究综述  3
    (四)研究发展趋势  5
    二、我国普惠型非缴费农村社会养老保险制度分析  5
    (一)非缴费型农村社会养老保险制度的基本含义  5
    (二)推行非缴费型农村社会养老保险制度的背景  5
    (三)我国非缴费型农村社会养老保险制度的普惠性特征  6
    三、我国普惠型非缴费农村社会养老保险制度的实证调查  7
    (一)村民对新农保制度内容的认识模糊不清  7
    (二)存在政府强制村民参保现像  8
    (三)集体补助得不到落实,参保方式单一,缴费档次低  8
    (四)老年人养老金领取不方便且不能保障基本生活  9
    (五)基层养老金融服务体系和基层养老公共服务体系存在问题 10
    1、基层养老金融服务体系不健全 10
    2、基层养老公共服务体系网络不健全和专业水平不高 10
    四、建立与完善我国普惠型非缴费农村社会养老保险制度的理论基础和必要性 11
    (一)建立与完善我国普惠型非缴费农村社会养老保险制度的理论基础 11
    1、养老保险理论 11                                         
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