    【关键词】  管理培训生制度  员工培训  人力资源管理9196
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title   A Study on Management Trainee Program and The Human  Resource Management Enlightenment of Chinese Enterprises
    As the development of the market economy, especially after China's entry into the WTO, economic globalization system like Multi-National Corporation brings the violent impact to Chinese enterprises, inspired the Chinese enterprise to thinking the integrate of human resource. More and more people realize the importance of human capital, and began to serch what kind of method to training and reserves talents. In order to develop the human capital and then enhance the core competitiveness, Management Trainee Program(MTP) comes out. After 100 years of development, management trainee program has been formed  a relatively perfect system in the global transnational enterprises. While in China, MTP is still in developing.
    Any foreign advanced management ideas work  in China,it all can not avoid the process of localization. MTP brings a lot of new concepts and perspectives, but compare with the history and overseas companies' example,China enterprise still exsist a lot of problems that need to solve out.Like :What is MTP? Why we should use MTP? How to implement the MTP can reach the expected goal? what is the enlightenments come from MTP to Chinese enterprises' human resources management ?
    First of all, this article will be on the previous literature research undertakes combing, from the present development situation of MTP that carry out in  domestic or foreign , to conduct a comprehensive analysis and introduce the MTP. Secondly, through the systematic principles, trying to establish a scientific implementation process of MTP, and combined with the author's own participation in the Shenzhen Cjia Dress Co. LTD 's MTP, meanwhile collect the relevant case,to study the significance and enlightenment that comes from MTP to the development of human resources management.
    Keywords  management trainee program     staff training
     systematics                    human resources management
    目   次
    1绪论 1
    1.1  论文研究的背景 1
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