摘要近年来,经济的快速发展,也推动了旅游业的发展,酒店业也因运而生。人 们的生活层次得到了提高,消费水平也得到了提高。人们想得到高水准、高素质 的服务,这也加大了酒店高学历员工的需求,对酒店来说,酒店想要获得长远的 发展就必须在员工身上多下功夫,因为员工素质的高低可以对企业产生很深远的 影响。不过,就目前来看,有一部分酒店在怎样留住高学历员工上没有做出很契 合实际的措施,导致了高学历员工的严重流失,使得酒店自身也得不到更好地发 展。本文在其酒店、大学生自身和院校三个方面展开研究,采取相应的对策来降 低酒店高学历员工的流失率。70384
Reflection on the phenomenon of the high degree of staff turnover in the hotel
Abstract In recent years, rapid economic development, but also promoted the development of tourism, the hotel industry is also due to transport and health. People's living level has been improved, the level of consumption has also been improved. People want a high standard, high-quality service, which also increased the demand for hotel highly educated staff, the hotel, the hotel you want to get long-term development, we must work harder in their employees, because the level of quality of the staff can enterprises have a very profound impact. However, for now, there is part of the hotel did not make in how to retain a high degree employees very fit practical measures, leading to a serious loss of highly educated employees, making the hotel itself is not a better development. In this paper, a study in three aspects of its hotels, colleges and the students themselves, take appropriate measures to reduce the wastage rate hotel highly educated employees.
Key Words: Hotel Highly educated Staff loss strategy
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
一 引言 1
二 酒店高学历员工流失的现状 1
三 酒店高学历员工流失的探源 2
(一)酒店方面的因素 2
(二)员工方面的因素 3
(三)院校方面的因素 4
四 酒店高学历员工流失的影响 4
(一)员工的流失给酒店带来不同程度上的损失 4
(二)员工的流失会影响酒店的服务质量 4
五 有效控制高学历员工流失的基本措施 5
(一)对酒店企业而言 5
(二)对高学历员工而言 7
(三)对院校而言 7
参考文献 8
一 引言
酒店的发展慢慢进入了发展的高速期,所以为了适应时代的发展,各个酒店之间 也开始展开了新一轮的竞争。而这种竞争在现实当中的表现就是:现阶段各个酒店所 拥有的人才数量以及员工之间素质的竞争。从整体上来看,这种所谓的竞争指的就是: 酒店所具备的人力资源上的较量。服务是酒店业的本质,服务的关键在于人,所以说 员工就是经营酒店成功与否的关键所在。但是近年来,酒店员工的流失率越来越高, 远远超出其他的行业,特别是高学历的员工。在社会环境、社会经济等因素的影响下, 酒店需要这些高学历的员工来提高酒店的整体素质,这对酒店的创新与管理也有着不 可或缺的作用。但也正因为酒店现在的管理模式,使得员工的流动率大大加大,这种 流动不仅制约了酒店的发展,而且对员工自身的发展也有着不利的影响。所以要研究 酒店高学历员工的流失问题,制定出合理的对策,使得员工看到酒店的发展机会,提 高员工的积极性和主动性,努力降低员工的流失率,对于我国的酒店行业也能有着重 要的意义。