摘 要:我国经济在不停地发展,人们的生活水平和生活质量也越来越高越来越好了,所以人们现在对生活质量的追求越来越高了,人们在满足物质生活的同时也追求精神生活是我满足,现在人们都喜欢出去游玩,但是住宿问题成为人们游玩的一大难题,如家经济型酒店的出现为人们解决了这一难题。如家酒店有着较高的市场占有率,赢得了顾客的信赖,在顾客的心目中留下了深刻的烙印。如家酒店能够做到这些也是因为有顾客的支持,在顾客支持的力量下,酒店不断发展壮大。但是如家经济型酒店仍然有一些问题需要进行研究和分析,主要问题是它的营销模式比较单一,没有利用营销组合策略对酒店的产品进行宣传,这是如家酒店需要改进的地方。77772
毕业论文关键词: 经济型酒店,市场营销,问题分析,营销策略组合
Abstract:With the further development of my country's economic continuously improve people's living standard, more and more people focus on the quality of life of life and the way of travel, in the accommodation in the way different, home inns, it is catering to the development of the market today, the market share is good。 Home inns throughout the country is a very powerful shortcut hotel enterprises, the development of the market have also made very quickly in recent years。 At first, this paper based on theory under the framework of integrated marketing communications, choose home inns as the research object, by the method of literature, interview, questionnaire method, home inns of marketing communication for the in-depth analysis and research, as a shortcut hotel companies, home inns their marketing communication strategies still has some problems, such as lack of integration of consciousness, a single transmission means, the spread of the scope is limited, at the same time in public relations, integrated marketing communications tools such as Internet marketing also has improved。
Keywords:budget hotel quickly ,marketing ,problem analysis ,the marketing strategy
目 录
1 前言 3
2 基本概念解析 3
2。1 经济型酒店的概念 3
2。2 经济型酒店的特点 3
2。3 经济型酒店的发展历程 4
3 淮安如家快捷酒店的营销现状分析 4
4 淮安如家酒店营销存在的问题 5
4。1 服务产品同质化、营销手段贫乏 5
4。2 价格竞争激烈 5
4。3 营销宣传工作不全面 6
4。4 网络营销不健全 6
5 淮安如家酒店营销问题的原因分析 7
5。1 营销的实施缺乏营销战略的指导 7
5。2 经理人及员工的全员营销意识淡薄 7
5。3 以顾客为导向的服务营销管理机制不完善 7
5。4 营销组合策略的应用手段单一 7
6 提高淮安如家快捷酒店营销策略的对策 8
6。1 淮安如家酒店产品营销策略 8
6。2 淮安如家酒店价格营销策略 9
6。3 淮安如家酒店渠道营销策略