    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  The “government failure”in China’s public housing construction and countermeasures
    In Nordic, as an old saying goes:” Welfare started with housing as well as ended with it.” A justice、civilized and harmonious country need ensure that the poor also have a place to live. In recent years, due to the large population、sharply increased urbanization rate and growing demand of houses in China, this situation has led to that the demand in China’s housing market greatly exceeds the supply. Marked-oriented housing sector has been unable to solve the shortage situation. Therefore, since 2007, Chinese government further strengthens macro-control efforts in the field of estate market.
    However, the power of government is not panacea, the “government failure” can also cause non-efficiency in resource allocation which sometimes worse than market inefficiency. Take this into consideration, I think that is necessary to combine the “government failure” theory of “public choice” to analyze the mode of protection of housing, combined with learned knowledge in my university and relevant experience in other countries, trying to explore some ways to solve the major issues of housing system in China.  
    Key words: Housing security system、Government failure、Economic man、Public housing
     目   次
    1绪论    1
    1.1研究的背景和意义    1
    1.1.1 研究的背景    1
    1.1.2 研究的意义    1
    1.2 研究综述    2
    1.2.1 国内关于住房保障的研究成果    2
    1.2.2 国外关于住房保障的研究成果    3
    1.3 研究方法    3
    1.3.1调研分析法        3
    1.3.2比较分析法        4
    2 保障房建设的发展历程分析    4
    2.1 国内住房社会保障制度的发展历程    4
    2.2 我国住房社会保障体制现状    5
    2.2.1 公租房建设现状——以重庆市为例    5
    2.2.2廉租房建设现状——以上海市为例    7
    2.2.3 经济适用房建设现状——以北京市为例    8
    2.3 我国保障房建设取得的现有成果和整体趋势分析    8
    2.3.1 覆盖范围增大    8
    2.3.2 多元化的保障房建设    9
    2.3.3 整体趋势分析    10
    3我国保障房建设中的“政府失灵”的表现形式    10
    3.1 政府保障房政策执行不到位    10
    3.2 保障房分配中的不公现象    11
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