

Design General Information

China's economy is running on the road of prosperity, but there are many obstacles on this road, such as the gap between rich and poor, the shortage of various resources, the excessive environmental pollution and so on。 In this step toward the national strength, the well-off people on the road, these obstacles to achieve national goals all the well-off caused great great obstruction。 Among them, all kinds of resources for the accelerated development of the economy, almost almost crazy consumption, gradually eroded, although we have been paying attention to the issue of environmental protection, but the excessive consumption of resources, eroded, deprived to bring the people of our country Is a serious deterioration of the environment, the mountain is no longer green, the water is no longer green, replaced by a black river, naked hillside is not a little green, the water is full of garbage, industrial wastewater, domestic sewage。 People living environment is not guaranteed, so we should pay attention to water pollution treatment, in water pollution, we should pay attention to is the high concentration of industrial pollution。 Paper industry, coal chemical industry, food fermentation industry is the three high concentrations of industrial pollution industry。 Paper industry is characterized by the consumption of energy resources, consumption of raw materials and more raw materials, environmental pollution is very bad。 Wastewater discharge in the paper industry is characterized by a large amount of wastewater discharged, known as COD, BOD, suspended solids (SS) and other industrial wastewater discharge targets。 Coal chemical industry in China's entire development process plays an important role, and coal is the coal chemical industry in the top priority, can not be an important part of the energy puzzle in China is an important piece。 Raw materials are coal, the use of coal chemical process through the reaction, through the reaction to get gaseous。 Solid, liquid semi-finished products or finished products, then you can go through such as gasification, liquefaction, dry distillation, tar processing and other ways to deal with。 Most of the raw materials produced in the food and fermentation industry are potatoes, wheat and so on agricultural products or agricultural and sideline products。 The food industry in the whole production process includes distillers, wheat troughs, rice residues, potato residue, corn residue, waste yeast Agricultural waste, these waste water contains a lot of rich in amino acids, protein, all kinds of vitamins and a variety of natural trace elements。 Food industry and fermentation industry, the number of raw materials in these industries, the number of products produced, so a variety of products produced by the types of waste water are not the same, but these wastewater they have a common main feature is that Most of them have COD, BOD, suspended solids SS, these organic matter are easy to rot, most are not toxic, but it will cause the eutrophication of water, a direct impact on the surrounding water environment deterioration of water quality, water reduction。

In recent years, China's economy forward, China's food industry is also quietly ahead, especially one of the township food industry, with the national policy of opening up, mushroomed, the emergence of these phenomena means that China Urban and rural people's living standards have been improved, the people's income has gradually become more, but at the same time China's water pollution is also facing a grim situation, the number of food distribution, wide distribution, different sizes, these Food plant wastewater discharge has not been effectively managed and controlled, the urban and rural areas around the water environment caused great adverse effects, and thus become one of the sources of urban and rural water pollution。 This design is mainly for high concentrations of food industry wastewater treatment process design。

















