If specifically said, the oxidation ditch process is not used for special treatment for biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal。 But the times in the development of science in progress, people have gradually explored a new oxidation ditch process to adapt to more complex issues, in this process of exploring the progress of a series of nitrogen and phosphorus removal technology and Oxygen ditch technology combined with the sewage treatment technology。 It is well known that the oxidation ditch process has continuous working type oxidation ditch, alternating working type oxidation ditch and semi-alternating working type oxidation ditch。 These oxidation ditch process by setting the appropriate hypoxia, anaerobic section, aerobic section can achieve better dephosphorization effect。 Continuous work oxidation ditch process can be pided into sub-built, co-construction。 According to the water quality change switch adjustment switch, both can save energy, can also achieve the best effect of phosphorus removal。

Carusel oxidation ditch first it has the ability to withstand the impact of load performance; Carusel oxidation ditch as a multi-trench series system, inside the flow of waste water and oxidation ditch inside the activated sludge mixed with each other。 We can understand the oxidation ditch process system is a complete mixture of pool body, when the beginning of the wastewater into the oxidation ditch inside, the number of dilution cycles will reach several times or even hundreds of times, so the oxidation of this waste water treatment methods, Can also be used to solve the high concentration of wastewater, can accept the impact of waste water load。 Each group of Carusel oxidation ditch in the trench of the aeration device only install a set of equipment, so that the flow of water quality acidification, so that the decomposition of organic matter, which can make the waste of microorganisms get gathered to get the pollution Mud can be fully precipitated and improve the bod content of the middle-time treatment, but also to improve the performance of waste water which can make the process of the bubble produced by the full suppression effect。 After the Internet and access to information after the conclusion is that the cod can be achieved through this method to achieve the purpose。

This paper mainly carried out a high concentration of sewage treatment plant design。 Daily water intake of 80000m3 / d, water quality for the COD content of 850 (mg / L), BOD content of 400 (mg / L), SS content of 550 (mg / L)。 Effluent water quality COD ≤ 100 (mg / L), BOD ≤ 30 (mg / L), SS ≤ 70 (mg / L)。 COD removal rate of 92。2%, BOD removal rate of 92。8% of the "Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard" (GB8978-1996) in the one standard, sewage treatment using Carusel oxidation ditch process, the entire process:Coarse grille - sewage pump room - fine grille - grit chamber - oxidation ditch - secondary sedimentation tank - contact sterilization tank - metering weir - effluent。

Water treatment plant with a total investment of 158,726,900 yuan, the design of water quality to meet the "Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard" (GB8978-1996) two standards, operating costs of 0。58 yuan / m3。


1 绪论 1

1。1 水资源现状 1

1。2 水污染现状 1

1。3 我国污水处理概况 1

1。4 我国高浓度工业废水概况 1

2 设计依据和内容 3

2.1设计资料 3

2。1。1 设计污水量 3

2。1。2 最大设计污水量 3

2。1。3 设计污水水质

















