摘要:在幼儿园教育中,自主不是与常规相对的,而是辩证统一的关系。幼儿的自主不是一种绝对自由的自主, 而是在一定常规之内的自主, 良好的常规会带给幼儿更多的自由,有利于幼儿富有个性地成长。一名优秀的教师应该时刻思考“常规”与“自主”的尺度怎样把握,如何才能让幼儿的自主不是想怎么样就怎么样,而是有所“束缚”,如何才能让常规变得更加有弹性,做到游刃有余,幼儿活动时能够自己做主,把他们收回来时又有模有样。87947

    承认幼儿的自主能动性,尊重幼儿的人格和自主活动的权利,同时让幼儿在了解幼儿园常规的基础上学会自我控制,以及教师对幼儿活动的科学引导,这既是当代幼儿教育科学的管理核心,又是良好健康的幼儿自主活动开展的必要前提。基于这两方面,本研究根据当前幼儿教育理论研究的动向以及幼儿园活动课程改革的实际情况的反思,借助于自由教育理论、主体性教学论、人本主义教育理论以及开放教育理论,采用以观察法为基础,文献法为主导的研究方法,对当前幼儿园幼儿一日生活中自主与常规之间的矛盾及引导问题进行了初步探讨,发现并提出了几个问题,包括:彻底解放幼儿,活动场面混乱、拥护绝对权威,严格控制幼儿、表面自主实际高控,言行自相矛盾。在对这些问题做分析的基础上,提出相应的解决策略,包括:认识到自主与常规的辩证统一的关系、尊重幼儿的主体地位,在体验中习得常规、通过强化巩固自主行为来促进幼儿自主管理、协调好稳定性常规和自主性常规。                                                                         Abstract:In the kindergarten education activities,the autonomy and the Convention are the dialectical unification。 Children's independence is not a kind of infinite expansion of the absolute freedom of independent, but in a certain discipline, routine within independent, good routine will give children more freedom, is conducive to children's free and full of personality to grow。 How to grasp the "general" and "independent" scale, teachers can retractable freely in a regular education, put children go out to enjoy freedom, recover the children is a kind of mold, how can let children's independent "bound", let the infant is not arbitrary, do whatever you want, make routine becomes elastic, this is an excellent preschool teachers to achieve the realm。 

Guide the children admitted self initiative,respect for the rights of children’s personality and independent activities。 At the same time so that children learn to understand the kindergarten on the basis of the conventional self control, and teachers on children's activity of science, it is contemporary the pre-school education scientific management of the core and the necessary prerequisite for good health of children's independent activities。 Based on these two aspects, according to the actual situation of the current trend of reflection on the theory of preschool education and kindergarten curriculum reform, with the help of liberal education theory, humanism education theory, teaching theory, early socialization theory and open education theory, using survey based research methods, as the leading the method of literature, the contradiction between the current kindergarten children's daily life and routine and independent guide problems were discussed, and puts forward some problems, including: the complete liberation of children's activities, the scene is chaotic, uphold the absolute authority, strict control of children, the actual high surface self control, self contradictory words and deeds。 In analysis is based on these problems, put forward the corresponding solution strategies, including: to realize autonomy and conventional dialectical unification relations, respect for the dominant position of children, in the experience of conventional acquisition, through strengthening autonomous behavior to promote children's independent management, coordination and good stability of conventional and independent of conventional。源-于,优Y尔O论U文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

















