摘要:《开明国语课本》由我国著名文学家、教育家叶圣陶先生编写,画家丰子恺先生 配图,是民国时期影响广泛的小学语文教科书,具有相当高的历史地位及研究价值。论文对
《开明国语课本》第 5-8 册教材中诗歌的儿童生活化加以研究。发现其在内容方面,贴近 儿童生活体验、围绕儿童生活经验;在价值取向上,写照温馨质朴的儿童生活,潜移默化中 培养儿童的道德品质;在语言方面则呈现出儿童口语化的特点。同时通过与人教版教材的儿 童生活化特征进行对比,得出小学语文教材应当注重儿童生活化的主题多维,道德引导关注 个性,与开明教材在诗歌语言方面相互借鉴、互为补充的启示。为当今小学语文教材编写的 儿童生活化研究提供借鉴。89130
毕业论文关键词:《开明国语课本》; 第 5-8 册; 诗歌; 儿童生活化
Abstract:“Kaiming Chinese book”, a primary language book with widely influence in Republic of China era, is written by the famous litterateur and educator, Shengtao Ye; and illustrated by the painter Zikai Feng, the book has high historical status and research value。 This essay demonstrates the child life in the poem of Book fifth and Book eighth from “Kaiming Chinese book”。 The essay discusses the inner content of the book about children’s life experience。 In the perspective of value orientation, through descriptions of warm and rustic life for children, the book imperceptibly helps to develop the moral character of children。 In the matter of language, it appears to have child colloquial feature。 At the same time, compared with child life feature on PEP edition, we get the
inspiration that more attention should be paid to multiple subjectivity of child life on primary mandarin textbooks, moral guidance and inpiduality, and get mutual reference and supplement from Enlightened textbooks on poetic language aspect。 Providing reference for child life feature for the edit of nowadays primary mandarin textbooks。
Key words: “Kaiming Chinese book”; Book fifth to Book eighth; Poem; Child life
目 录
绪 论 5
(一)选题原因 5
1.“民国教材热”引发的思考 5
2.基于语文教材内容的“双重寄附性” 5
3.课程与教学改革实践的呼唤 5
(二)概念界定 5
1.诗歌 5
2.儿童生活化 6
3.开明教材 6
(三)研究现状 7
1.关于《开明国语课本》儿童生活化特征的研究 7
2.关于《开明国语课本》中诗歌的研究 8
3.关于《开明国语课本》中诗歌的儿童生活化研究 9
4.总结 9
5.研究价值 10
(四)研究对象 10
1.《开明国语课本》第 5-8 册教材 10
2.选择原因 10