Mixed-age education has unique value on the special problems of one-child in social development, but its development scale in China has been difficult to expand。 This study investigates the recognition of preschool children's parents to mixed-age education, through questionnaire and inpidual interviews, draws a conclusion: many parents are not very understanding of the connotation and role of mixed-age education, and parents are optimistic about the development status and future of mixed-age education, but many parents hold an expectant attitude about their children participation in mixed-age education。 Finally, have a discussion of these problems, and put forward some feasible suggestions。
毕业论文关键词:混龄教育; 学前儿童家长; 认可程度源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766
Keyword: mixed-age education; preschool children's parents; recognition
目 录
一、问题提出 5
(一)研究背景 5
(二)研究意义 5
二、研究方法 6
(一)研究对象 6
(二)调查方法 7
1。问卷法 7
2。访谈法 7
3。文献法 7
(三)研究过程 7
三、研究结论 8
(一)家庭中渗透的混龄教育 8
(二)家长对混龄的了解 9
(三)对混龄教育发展状况的看法 10
(四)对孩子参与混龄教育的态度 11
四、讨论分析 12
(一)家庭中渗透的混龄教育很少 12
(二)家长对混龄教育还不是十分了解 13
(三)家长们对混龄教育未来的发展比较看好 14
(四)大部分家长还是抱着一种观望的态度 14
五、对策建议 15
(一)争取家园合作 15
(二)以间断性混龄为主 15
(三)提高师资水平 16
(四)发展适合我国幼儿园的混龄课程 16
六、反思不足 16
参考文献 17
致 谢 18
附录 18
附录一:关于学前儿童家长对混龄教育的看法的调查问卷 18
附录二:访谈提纲 21From~优E尔L论E文W网wWw.YoUeRw.com 加QQ7520.18766