    毕业论文关键词:小学生 ; 课外阅读 ; 课外阅读习惯
    The Cultivation of primary School Students extracurricular Reading Habits
    Abstract: Primary school is the best period of cultivating good habits of extracurricular reading. Good habits of extracurricular reading can not only make students gain rich knowledge, but also help students form a correct outlook on the world outlook and values, and then it  will benefit students for their whole life. However, there are many problems in the cultivation of the extracurricular reading habits at present. Teachers and parents have many misunderstandings in the process of cultivation. For example, teachers usually pay more attention to quantity rather than quality and regardless of the student's understanding ability, parents always demand students utilitarian reading and so on. This paper is mainly from the following three aspects to write. In the first place, this paper shows the importance of cultivating pupils' reading habits. Moreover, it points out the current problems which exist in the training process. In the end, it puts forward some countermeasures for students to cultivate good extracurricular reading habits.
    Keywords: Primary school students ; Extracurricular Reading ; Extracurricular Reading Habits
    目 录

    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、小学生课外阅读的概念    2
    二、培养小学生课外阅读习惯的重要性    2
    (一)课外阅读可以获取丰富的知识    2
    (二)课外阅读可以健全人格,提高素养    3
    (三)课外阅读可以使小学生终身受益    3
    三、课外阅读习惯培养的误区    3
    (一)求“量”而不求“质”    3
    (二)给小学生推荐的读物不当    4
    (三)只要求积累不重视运用    4
    (四)阅读的功利取向    4
    四、培养小学生良好课外阅读习惯的对策    4
    (一)营造良好的阅读环境    5
    (二)激发小学生的阅读兴趣    5
    (三)指导小学生选择合适的课外读物    6
    (四)教给小学生正确的阅读方法    6
    (五)培养小学生良好的阅读习惯    6
    参考文献    8
    致谢    9
    而课外阅读,指的是小学生在课外的各种独立的阅读活动。课外阅读是课外语文活动中最重要的内容,是课内阅读的延续与扩展,是提高阅读能力训练必不可少的环节。课外阅读本身就是一种智力开发活动,是一种自我教育的过程,是一种情感体验。课外阅读是语文活动中最重要、最普遍、最经常的形式。 [3]课外阅读是指学生在课外,通过阅读书报、影视、网络等进行学习的方式。
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