关键词 南京市 弹性放学 困境 出路
Title Reserch on the System of Leaving School Flexibly-the Current Situation, Challenges and Countermeasures
Leaving school flexibly is referred to a system conducted in primary school in Nanjing. It means parents submit an application to school voluntarily to apply to leave school late for their children. It is different from staying behind after class asked by teachers and such other forms.
The system of leaving school flexibly has been put into practice more than one year. It solves the problem which some parents can’t pick up children on time for some parents and serves students and their parents in a degree.However,it appears some drawbacks at the same time: working overtime for free damages teachers interest and the single form of service makes parents unhappy.
In this article, we select two schools to investigate which are different and typical. During the survey, we find that there are some common contradictions between schools who act as supplier and parents who play the role of demander, which focus on who is on duty, when is to work and what is to do. On suggestions, we try to put forward some advice to relieve the contradictions such as the integration of socialresources and the introduction of the third-party service.
Keywords Nanjing; Leaving School Flexibly; Dilemma ; Solutions
目 次
1 研究缘起 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
2 文献回顾 3
2.1 国内儿童托管 3
2.2 国外儿童托管 5
3 研究设计 6
3.1 研究方法 6
3.2 研究对象 6
4 研究结果 9
4.1 学校实施现状及老师态度取向 9
4.2 家长的需求状况 12
5 弹性放学的供给与需求矛盾分析 15
5.1 学校收容能力与家长需求数量的矛盾 15
5.2 学校提供服务的内容与学生及家长需求内容的矛盾 15
5.3 学校提供服务的人员与学生及家长需求人员的矛盾 15
5.4 学校提供服务的时间与家长需求时间的矛盾 17
5.5 值班人员的轮班制与学生关注度减少的矛盾 17
6 对策建议 18
6.1 学校做好宣传,消除家长认知错误 18
6.2 适当的人员筛选 18
6.3 寻求社会力量,整合资源 18
6.4 引进第三方服务:学校社工 19
致 谢 21
参 考 文 献 22
- 上一篇:高校开放课程教学模式创新设计与应用基于学习元平台的探索
- 下一篇:名师与名教国立西南联合大学世界史教学研究