    摘  要:“差生”主要是指“学业不良”的学生,学习态度不十分端正,没有正确的学习方法,学习成绩不好。在应试教育的背景下,他们成了拖累升学率的“害群之马”。而在素质教育背景下,教育要体现公平的原则,教育要改革就不能忽视他们的存在,搞好“差生”的转化工作有助于教育教学质量的整体提高,也体现了教育以人为本的原则。“差生”形成的原因,从大的方面说,分为主客观两方面的原因。客观原因包括了社会、家庭、学校,比如社会和学校对他们的忽视,家庭的“放养”等不正确的教育方法。主观原因主要是指学生自身生理和心理方面,如体弱多病会影响学习,周遭人对他们不屑也会给他们造成了很大的心理压力等。他们的存在也会给教学、家庭、社会造成一定的危害,搞好“差生”转化工作需要社会、家庭、学校三方的共同努力,给他们营造一个好的生活和学习氛围,帮助他们成为成功转化。27875
    How to improve the "poor students" conversion work
    Abstract: "Poor students" mainly refers to "bad school," the student, learning attitude is not very correct, there is no correct way to learn, poor academic performance. In the context of examination-oriented education, they became a drag on the transition rate of "black sheep." And in the quality of education, education should reflect the principle of fairness, to reform education can not ignore their existence, conducting the "poor students" conversion work contributes to the overall improvement of education quality, but also reflects the education to the people-oriented principle. "Poor students" reasons for the formation of the major aspects that are pided into two aspects of subjective and objective reasons. Objective reasons including social, family, school, such as social and school for their neglect, the family's "stocking" and other improper method of education. Subjective reasons mainly refers to the student's own physiological and psychological aspects, such as the infirm will affect learning, it will bother people around them caused them a lot of psychological pressure. Well, "poor students" into work to society, families, schools tripartite joint efforts and give them to create a good living and learning environment, helping them to become successful transformation.
    Keywords: "Poor students"; conversion; school education; family education
    目        录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    前言    2
    一、“差生”的界定    2
    二、“差生”的形成原因    2
    (一)“差生”形成的客观原因    2
    1.社会是差生形成的根本性原因    2
    2.学校是差生形成的直接原因    3
    3.家庭使差生形成的最后一根稻草    3
        (二)“差生”形成的主观原因    4
    1.生理    4
    2.心理    4
    三、“差生”存在的危害    5
    (一)“差生”对教学的危害    5
    (二)“差生”对家庭的危害    5
    (三)“差生”对社会的危害    5
    四、“差生”的转化方法    5
    (一)学校教育是搞好“差生”转化工作的最有力武器    6
    1.严禁分“快班”“慢班”    6
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