    [摘要]课程改革强调师生交流、互动和对话,而教师提问和学生回答问题是实现师生互动的主要手段,学生举手则是回答问题的重要外在表现形式。但仔细观察不难发现,随着学生年级的递增,课堂举手发生的几率随之缩减。微小的常被忽视的教育现象背后一定有自身的原因和规律。举手回答或举手提问这一行为本身是否具有科学性,是否抑制了学生的问题积极性是一个值得讨论的问题 。目前,对于“举手”等微观教育现象的研究还有待加强,教师如何在学生的回答问题举手回答中寻求一个和谐正确的平衡点,这是一个需要学校和教师普遍关注的问题。34125
    [毕业论文关键词] 小学生;举手发言;心理分析;正确引导
    The study on the the psychological analysis and exactitude leading of the elementary students’answering hands
    Abstract:The curriculum reform emphasizes the Communication, interaction and conversation between the teachers and students, the method of the teachers’ questions and asking the students to answer is the major mean to realize the interaction of each other, and raising their hands is the important extentior form. But it’s easy to see under carefull observation, with the increasing of students’ grade, the rate of raising hands is decreasing progressively. There must be the special reasons and inner rules behind the phenomena which are tiny and easily ignored.It is worthwhile discussing whether the behaviour of raising hands to ask or answer questions is scientfic and has influence on enthusiasm of students[1].Nowdays, the reseach of Micro educational phenomenon of raising hands remains to strengthen.How can schools and Teachers to make a balance in students’answering hangds is become a generally concern.
    This study based on the analysis of psychological activities in the phenomenon of the behaviours,  deep into the primary school classroom to observe the silence and expression of behavior of students, and make records in detail, combined with document analysis and interviews we can collected most of data on student classroom behavior of students’ answering hands. Starting from the perspective of students and teachers,and after have a clear understanding on the current situation of student’ answering hands, the author analysis psychological activities and discuss the factors of students’ answering hands and the strategies of guidance properly.
    Positive expression of students is a pursuit of classroom teaching, but the students’different personalities, so under the premise of respecting of students, teachers should take effective strategies to guide students to an active classroom expression, only in this way that can we make a improve in classroom teaching, and our student have a Comprehensive development.
    Keywords:  Elementary student;Answer hands;Psychological Analysis;Exactitude leading
    目  录
    摘要    1
    第一章  绪论    2
    1.1 研究背景    2
    1.2 研究的意义及目的    2
    1.2.1 研究意义    2
  1. 上一篇:基于儿童本位的小学低年级学生绘本阅读现状分析及优化策略
  2. 下一篇:小先生制在小学数学教学中的应用研究
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  7. 猜谜语识字教学存在的问题及建议

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