    摘要:在顶岗实习中, 幼儿教师的教育起关键作用。顶岗学生的顶岗情况关系着顶岗实习能不能顺利完成。为了顶岗实习的顺利完成,需要加强对学生顶岗的关注。文献资料法、访谈法等是本研究主要采用的方法来研究顶岗幼儿教师,主要包括:关注留守幼儿、积极参与教育教学、课堂管理、家园共育、绘本教学几个方面。通过对教师个案的分析,找出顶岗实习幼儿教师存在的问题,并且反思顶岗实习幼儿教师中存在的不合理因素,借鉴了一些优秀经验,提出了有效的建议,在此改善顶岗实习幼儿教师教育观念,专业素养,改掉顶岗中不合理的行为,提升顶岗实习幼儿教师的教育水平从而促进顶岗实习幼儿教师的发展。39305
    The Study on the Problems and Countermeasures of Full-time Teaching Practice of Preschool Education Students
    ——Taking Teacher W in C Rural Kindergarten of Huaiyang County as an Example
        Abstract: In the full-time teaching practice, preschool teachers' education plays a key role. It relations with that students' full-time teaching practice can not be successfully completed. In order to successfully complete the full-time teaching practice, we need to strengthen the students' attention. The method of literature and interview are the main methods to study on preschool teachers, including: pay attention to left behind children and actively participate in the teaching, classroom management, home education, picture book teaching aspects. Through the analysis of the teachers, and find out the existing problems in preschool teachers, unreasonable factors and reflection on preschool teachers in post, learn from the excellent experience of some countries, and puts forward some effective suggestions on the improvement of post, preschool teachers' education concept, professional quality, get rid of post unreasonable behavior, improve children post teachers' level of education so as to promote the development of preschool teachers in full-time teaching practice.
    Key words: Full-time teaching practice; preschool teachers; case study
    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、概述    2
    (一)“顶岗实习”、“幼儿教师”的概念    2
    (二)顶岗实习幼儿教师W的基本情况介绍    2
    二、顶岗实习幼儿教师的个人表现    2
    (一)顶岗实习幼儿教师关注留守幼儿    2
    (二)顶岗实习幼儿教师激发幼儿学习动机    4
    (三)顶岗实习幼儿教师运用绘本教学    5
    (四)顶岗实习幼儿教师重视家园共育    5
    三、顶岗实习幼儿教师在实习期间存在的问题    6
    (一)顶岗实习幼儿教师适应期过长    6
    (二)顶岗实习幼儿教师组织教育活动重开始,轻结尾    6
    (三)顶岗实习幼儿教师在绘本教学中急于说教    7
    四、顶岗实习幼儿教师改进策略    7
    (一)顶岗实习幼儿教师要加强岗前培训    7
    (二)顶岗实习幼儿教师要不断学习教育方法    8
    (三)顶岗实习幼儿教师在绘本教学中要给幼儿足够的思考空间    8
    参考文献    9
    附录    10
    致谢    11
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