


    Kindergarten Primary School Mathematics Education of the existing problems and countermeasures—

    —a case study of a kindergarten in Yuanyang County

    Abstract:The kindergarten education "primary school" tendency is of concern and punitive  phenomenon in the field of pre-school education. In recent years, the national relevant departments of the efforts of kindergarten education "primary school" this phenomenon has been improved and governance. But some backward counties still exist problems of kindergarten education "primary school".This study is in Yuanyang County kindergarten mathematics education as a research field, to park the children and teachers and parents as the object of study by observation method, comparative method, interview method, literature and other research methods, of Yuanyang County kindergarten mathematics education "primary" existing problems, produce cause and harm three aspects to carry on the analysis, and find out the correct the misunderstanding of education the countermeasure and the suggestion. In order to promote children's healthy growth and harmonious, construct a reasonable system of Kindergarten Education.

    Keywords: Kindergarten mathematics education; Primary school; Countermeasures;   

    目  录

    摘要 1

    Abstract 1

    引  言 2

    一、 论文课题的来源与核心概念的界定 2

    (一)论文课题来源 2

    (二)核心慨念界定 2

    二、幼儿园数学教育小学化的现存问题 3

    (一)幼儿园数学教育活动的小学化现象 3

    (二)幼儿园教育活动时间上的小学化现象 7

    三、导致幼儿园数学教育小学化的原因分析 8

    (一)社会应试教育影响 8

     (二)幼儿教师专业素养 9

    (三)家长的教育理念 9

    四、幼儿园数学教育小学化的危害 10

    (一)不符合幼儿身体发展规律 10

    (二)破坏幼儿天性,不利于幼儿心理健康发展 10

    (三)违背幼儿园教育的基本规律和原则 11

    五、幼儿园数学教育小学化的对策及建议 11

    (一)政府相关教育部门方面 11

    (二)“家园共育” 12

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