


    Abstract: There are many problems in current educational practice of instrumental analysis experiment such as: Large instruments of analysis are scarce while more and more students need them; Students can’t understand the principle structure and their procedures of those equipments; lesson period is few and students can’t fully understand and contact the instrument; students do not pay attention to the experiment and not interested in it ; the content and form of the experiments are too old, lack of thinking and innovation and so on. This article made an effective progress about how to solve the problems above. By practicing of video teaching methods of instrumental analysis experiment we can master the analysis of each instrument more effectively than traditional teaching methods. In video teaching mode, students should conduct experiments all by themselves after watching the experiment videos and referring the experiment handouts. Teacher do not explain the experiment in class any more.

    Keyword: Electrochemical instrumental analysis experiments; video teaching; reform and practice

    目   录

    摘    要 2

    目   录 3

    1.引言 4

    2.实验部分 5

    2.1仪器 5

    2.2试剂 5

    2.3实验方法及步骤 6

    2.3.1饮料pH 的测定。 6

    2.3.2库伦滴定法测定果汁中的Vc。 6

    2.3.3测定牙膏中的氟离子含量(设计实验)。 6

    2.3.4循环伏安法测定电极反应参数。 7

    2.3.5示差脉冲阳极溶出伏安法测定水样中锌、镉、铅。 8

    2.3.6高效液相色谱法测定空气中的甲醛含量。 8

    3.结果与讨论 9

    3.1饮料pH 的测定 9

    3.1.1实验结果 9

    3.1.2思考题 9

    3.2库伦滴定法测定果汁中的Vc 10

    3.2.1实验结果 10

    3.2.2思考题 10

    3.3测定牙膏中的氟离子含量(设计实验) 11

    3.3.1实验结果 11

    3.3.2思考题 11

    3.4循环伏安法测定电极反应参数 12

    3.4.1实验结果 12

    3.4.2思考题 12


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