


    Academic procrastination is becoming more and more common in college students. Learning is the main task of university. Because of the academic procrastination, college students did not complete a task, it would make them fade the learning ability, reduce self-control, get nervous and so on. In a certain extent, procrastination is a kind of behavior deviation. In China, most of research on procrastination is from abroad. These studies are mainly focused on the present situation and the influence. Researches on intervention relatively fever. Social work as a service to help others, it can play its full part in this area. It can help procrastinators change their bad behavior and mind, improve their social function.

    The paper mainly uses literature review and questionnaire survey methods, preliminary analysis the present situation and causes on academic procrastination. Try to start from the perspective of social work and use the Professional methods of social work discuss how to intervene Procrastination behavior of College Students.

    毕业论文关键词:大学生; 学业拖延; 社会工作介入

    Keyword: college student; academic procrastination; social work

    目    录

    一、引言 1

    (一)研究背景 1

    (二)选题背景 1

    1. 问题提出 1

    2. 选题意义 1

    二、大学生学业拖延行为的现状 2

    (一)概念界定 2

    (二)大学生拖延现状及成因分析 2

    1. 大学生学业拖延的现状 3

    2. 学业拖延行为与其相关因素比较分析 4

    3. 学业拖延的成因分析 4

    三、解决大学生学业拖延行为的对策分析 5

    (一)现有对策分析 5

    1. 干预内容 5

    2. 主要干预方法 6

    3. 理论基础 7

    4. 不足与缺陷 7

    (二)社会工作介入学业拖延行为 8

    1. 社会工作介入的必要性和可行性分析 8

    2. 社会工作介入大学生拖延行为的探索性分析 10

    参考文献 14

    附录 15

    致  谢 18


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