
    摘 要:随着新课程改革的实施,生成性课堂资源越来越引起注意和受到重视,成为课堂生命的亮点。这种教师预设之外的动态教学资源,具有随机性和复杂性,如果能恰当适时的捕捉和有效利用,将大大激发学生的学习热情,能转变课程功能和学生的学习方式,促进教学目标的达成,彰显课堂精彩。53489


    毕业论文关键词:小学数学; 生成性资源 ;开发利用 

    Abstract:Along with the implementation of the new curriculum reform, generative classroom resource is taken seriously more and more attention and, be the highlight of classroom life dynamic teaching resources of the teachers, the randomness and complexity, if capture and effectively can be appropriate to use will greatly stimulate students' learning enthusiasm, change the function of curriculum and the way students learn, achieve teaching objectives, showing excellent classroom. 

    Therefore, this paper intends to carry out the development and utilization of generative classroom resources studies from the following several aspects, firstly the connotation of generative classroom resources are discussed, followed by the analysis of practical difficulties to generate the development of classroom resources, aimed at the development status of implementation of reflection, finally the research strategies on Exploitation and utilization of generative classroom resources, reasonable use to guide the generation of resources, construct the spark of wisdom, to increase the depth of classroom teaching, make the classroom in the generation of colorful.

    Key words: Primary school mathematics ;  Generative Resources ; Development and utilization

    目   录

    1  引言3

    2  小学数学生成性课堂资源的内涵挖掘3

    2.1  对生成性资源的认识 3

    2.2  小学数学生成性课堂资源的来源3

    2.3  小学数学生成性教学资源的特点4

    2.4  小学数学生成性课堂资源的作用 4

    3  小学数学生成性课堂资源开发的困境与反思4

    3.1小学数学生成性课堂资源的开发现状 4

    3.2 树立新型教师观,准确定位教师角色  5

    3.3 要控制好学生自主发挥的“度”  5

    3.4 新课标下教师的教学观念要更新  6

    3.5 吃透教材,精心预设挖掘生成性课堂教学资源  6

    3.6 提高自身素质,培养教学机智,提高驾驭课堂的能力  6

    4  小学数学生成性课堂资源的开发对策7

    4.1  从途径来源入手7

    4.2  从方法策略入手10

    小结 12

    参考文献  13

    致谢 14

    1 引言  


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