摘要:以苏北地区 13 所专本科高校的 664 名大学生为被试,探讨了手机依赖与人格特 质、人际关系、主观幸福感之间的关系,并探索“手机”在我们生活中扮演的角色。 结果表明:(1)苏北大学生手机依赖总体上呈正态分布,手机依赖在学历、年级、是 否独生子女、是否恋爱上差异不显著;(2)手机依赖与随和性特质、责任性特质、人 际关系、消极情绪呈负相关(p<0.01),与情绪稳定性显著正相关(p<0.01);(3)情绪 稳定性和人际关系对手机依赖作用有预测作用(F=37.522,p<0.01);(4)当“人与 人”的互动关系转变成“人与物”的互动关系时,手机可能成了安全依恋物。70782
Abstract:We discuss the relationship between mobile phone dependence and personalit- y ,interpersonal relationship , subjective well-being with 664 college students from 13 undergraduate universities in North Jiangsu as the subjects, and we also explore the role of “mobile phone”in our life. The results show that:(1)College students’ depending on the mobile phone distributes in general normal way, which reveals no significant difference in terms of their educational background , grade and the facts whether they are only child and whether they have fallen in love.(2)The mobile dependence was negatively correlated to agreeableness trait, responsibility character (p<0.01), and had significant positive correspondence with emotional stability, interpersonal relationship, negative emotion (p<0.01).(3)The emotional stability and interpersonal relationship can predict the degree of mobile phone dependence(F=37.522, p<0.01)(4)When the human interaction turns into the relationship between human and objects , the mobile phone may become something to base our security on.
Keywords: mobile phone dependence;college students; personality traits;human relationship; subjective well-being
1 前言 3
2 方法 4
2.1 学生 4
2.2 工具 4
2.3 方法 5
3 结果 5
3.1 大学生手机依赖状况 5
3.2 手机依赖在人口统计学变量上的差异比较 6
3.3 手机依赖与人格特质、人际关系、主观幸福感的相关研究 8
3.4 不同水平的手机依赖在人格特质等指标上的差异检验 9
3.5 人格特质等指标对大学生手机依赖倾向的回归分析 10
4 讨论与分析 11
4.1 大学生手机依赖的总体特征 11
4.2 手机依赖和人格特质、人际关系及主观幸福感的关系 12
结论 14
参考文献 15