    摘要:写作是运用书面语言进行表达和交流的重要方式,是认识世界、认识自我、进行创造性表述的过程。写作能力是语文素养的综合体现。作文的重要性不言而喻。然而,小学作文教学普遍存在老师 “教作文难”,学生“写作文难”的困境,究其成因在于,传统师德理念使学生不敢发出自己的声音;应试教育导致学生失去作文兴趣和热情;社会大环境重视外语轻视母语;教师批改或评价学生作文方法不当;家长用成人眼光评判孩子作文;学生对作文恐惧和逃避心理。走出当前小学作文教学的困境,应改变教育理念,确立学生的主体地位;教学贴近生活,培养学生观察力,强调真实;改变陈旧的作文教学方法,提高作文教学水平和能力;学生和家长要树立好正确的心态。关键词:小学作文教学;教师;学生9614
    The research of plight and Countermeasures for primary school composition teaching
    Abstract:It is an important way to express and communicate with written language, which is a process to know the world, have a self-understanding and make a creative expression. Writing ability is the integrated embodiment of its Chinese accomplishment. So, the importance of composition is self-evident. However, It is a common phenomenon existing dilemma—teaching composition is difficult for teacher and writing composition is hard for student. Analysing the causes, the traditional ethics idea make students dare not speak out with themselves opinions; Exam-oriented education cause students to lose interest and enthusiasm in composition; The social environment attach important to foreign language and make light of mother tongue; The teachers correct or evaluate composition for students with a improper method; Parents criticize the composition with adult eyes; Students fear and escape from the composition. In order to step off the present dilemma, education ideas should be changed and principal status of students be established; Teaching press close to life, cultivating students' observation and emphasizing on the authenticity; the old teaching methods of the composition be changed , level and ability of composition teaching be improved; Students and parents must set up the right mindset.
    Keywords   Primary school composition teaching; the teacher; students
    目 录

    摘要    1
    Abstract.    1
    一、作文的内涵及小学作文教学现状    3
    (一)什么是作文?    3
    (二)小学作文教学的重要性    3
    (三)小学作文教学的现状    3
    二、小学作文教学困境成因分析    4
    (一)传统师德理念使学生不敢发出自己的声音    4
    (二)应试教育导致学生失去作文兴趣和热情    4
    (三)社会大环境重视外语轻视母语    5
    (四)教师批改或评价学生作文方法不当    5
    (五)家长用成人眼光评判孩子作文    5
    (优尔)学生对作文恐惧和逃避心理    6
    三、当前小学作文教学困境的应对策略    7
    (一)改变教育理念,确立学生的主体地位    7
    (二)教学贴近生活,培养学生观察力,强调真实    7
    (三)改变陈旧的作文教学方法,提高作文教学水平和能力    7
    (四)学生和家长要树立好正确的心态    9
    参考文献    10
    致 谢    10
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