    摘 要:为了更好地了解辉县市中小学的篮球运动的发展现状,本文经过调查和分析农村中小学生的篮球运动的现状。运用了文献资料法、调查问卷法、统计法对农村中小学篮球运动发展阶段。就本文的调查结果表明:目前辉县市农村中小学的篮球运动存在很多的问题:经费短缺、训练器材及设施不完善;大部分体育教师专业水平偏低,缺乏与工作相适应的知识结构和实践能力;当地的政府不够重视篮球运动的发展,对篮球运动的宣传力度不大,以及部分家长对孩子打篮球有着偏见,从而导致了农村中小学的篮球运动开展的不顺利。针对辉县市农村中小学生篮球运动的发展现状提出了相关的建议。从而为辉县市农村中学篮球运动的更好开展和提供相应的对策。9791

    Development Status of Rural Schools Basketball Huixian and Countermeasures
    Abstract: In order to better understand the Huixian city development status of primary and middle school basketball, the paper through investigation and analysis of current situation of rural primary and middle school students basketball sport. Used literature, questionnaire, statistics law for rural primary and secondary schools basketball development phase. On this of investigation results indicates that: currently Huixian city rural in primary and secondary schools of basketball movement exists many of problem: funding shortage, and training equipment and the facilities not perfect; most sports teachers professional level partial low, lack and work phase adapted of knowledge structure and practice capacity; local of Government enough attention basketball movement of development, on basketball movement of publicity intensity is unlikely to, and part parents on children hit basketball has bias, thereby led to has rural in primary and secondary schools of basketball movement carried out of not smooth. Huixian city rural development status of primary and middle school students basketball related proposals were made. Huixian city middle school basketball better in rural areas and providing an appropriate response.
    Keywords: rural primary and secondary schools; basketball; Status; countermeasures
     目    录
    摘 要    1
    Abstract    1
    引言    2
    1 研究对象与方法    2
    1.1 研究对象    2
    1.2 研究方法    2
    2. 调查结果与分析    3
    2.1篮球教学训练    3
    2.2体育教学中的师资力量    3
    2.3 中小学生对篮球的喜爱程度    4
    2.4篮球场地、器材的调查    4
    3结论与对策    5
    3.1结论    5
    3.2建议    6
    参考文献    7
    致谢    8
    附录1    9
    附录2    11
    附录3    12
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