大学生心理资本与主观幸福感的相关性研究[摘 要] 采用周利霞的大学生心理资本问卷和万黎的主观幸福感量表对大学生进行问卷调查,探讨大学生的心理资本与主观幸福感的相关性研究。结果发现: 大学生心理资本处于中等偏上水平,大学生主观幸福感处于中等水平;男大学生在愿景和自信的维度上得分显著高于女大学生;理工科的大学生合作水平明显高于文科大学生;大四的学生比大三的学生更加懂得感恩;大学生主观幸福感中生活满意度城镇和农村的存在显著差异,结果显示城镇大学生的生活满意度明显高于农村大学生;是否是独生子女在生活满意度上存在显著性差异,独生子女比非独生子女在生活满意度水平高;从年级来看,不同年级的大学生在消极情感上存在显著差异;大学生积极心理资本各因子和主观幸福感存在显著的相关性。 76458
[毕业论文关键词]大学生; 心理资本; 主观幸福感
A study on the relationship between psychological capital and subjective well being of College Students
Abstract:The psychological capital questionnaire and subjective well-being scale for college students were studied to explore the relationship between College Students' psychological capital and subjective well-being。 It was found: College Students' psychological capital in medium partial and subjective happiness of college students are in the middle level; male students on the vision and confidence dimension scored significantly higher than female students; science and engineering students in the level of cooperation was significantly higher than liberal arts students; four students than students in three more thankful; college students' subjective sense of happiness in life satisfaction of urban and rural in the presence of significant differences, urban students life satisfaction was significantly higher than that of rural students; is Not is only child in life satisfaction exist significant differences, the one-child than non only child at high levels of life satisfaction; from the point of view of grade, different grades of college students in negative emotions exist significant differences; college students' positive psychological capital factors and subjective happiness sense there is a significant correlation。
Keywords:College students; psychological capital; subjective well-being
一、引言 1
(一)心理资本 1
(二)主观幸福感 2
(三)心理资本与主观幸福感 2
(四)在心理资本与主观幸福感关系的情感作用 3
(五)问题提出及研究意义 3
二、研究设计 4
(一)研究对象 4
(二)研究工具 4
1。心理资本量表 4
2。主观幸福感量表 4
3。统计分析方法 4
三、结果与分析 5
(一)在人口学变量上的差异分析 5
2。不同性别群体主观幸福感的差异分析 5
3。不同生源地心理资本的差异分析 6
4。不同生源地主观幸福感的差异分析 6
5。 是否是独生子女的心理资本的差异分析 6