This modelling object is a four-wheel electric smart car. The mechanism analysis method and experimental modelling method are employed to establish a two-input two-output mathematical model for a smart car. The input of the model is servo control signal and motor control signal, which respectively controls the smart car’s turning and speed, and the output of this model is complanate coordinate of the smart car, which has two degree of freedom. Firstly, the model structure is obtained by using mechanism analysis method. Then, the data of various scenarios for the step responses of the system are measured under different input. With least squares method applied, the parameters of the model are identified. Comparing the simulation result (using the identified model) and the actual experience data (using the smart car running with the same setting), we can see that this model is validated and proved to be reliable.
Key words: smart car; kinematic model; parameter estimation
目 次
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.3 本文所作的工作 3
1.4 本文结构 4
第2章 建立小车模型 5
2.1 总述 5
2.2 舵机模型结构 5
2.3 电机模型结构 7
2.3.1 小车的行驶阻力 7
2.3.2 小车的动力供应 9
2.3.3 电机模型 10
2.4 小车运动学模型 11
2.5 小结 12
第3章 小车模型参数估计 14
3.1 总述 14
3.2 舵机模型参数估计 14
3.2.1 前轮偏角测量方法 14
3.2.2 实验设计 16
3.2.3 数据处理 16
3.3 前轮偏角为0时的电机模型参数估计 20
3.3.1 小车速度测量方法 20
3.3.2 实验设计 20
3.3.3 数据处理 20
第4章 模型验证 24
4.1 使用Simulink搭建模型 24
4.2 模型验证 26
4.3 小结 29
第5章 结论与展望 30
参考文献 32
致 谢 34
第1章 绪论
1.1 课题背景