The workshop process design with An annual output of 900,000 tons Medium and Heavy Plate
Abstract:With the fast development of our economy, the constructions of shipping, railroad, bridge, chemical industry, pressure vessel etc are increased largely. It pushes the increase of the requirement for medium plate market. The requirement trend of quality for medium plate is high properties.
Current domestic plate in the domestic market accounted for a larger share of advantages, such as shipbuilding plate, boiler plate, steel plates, etc. can basically meet the domestic market demand; major steel companies, but more serious regional redundant construction, and high value-added but the relative lack of key steel products, mainly in the number of high value-added steel production or quality can not be difficult to achieve the requirements of the downstream industry.
General board of the main plate production to the current domestic plate in the domestic market share of greater advantages, like ordinary strength shipbuilding plate, boiler plate, steel plates, etc. can basically meet the domestic market demand, but domestic medium thick board supply-standing structural deficiencies, mainly because some of the high value-added steel can not be produced, or the quality is difficult to achieve the requirements of the downstream industry. Such as the shipbuilding industry needs some high-intensity, wide board shipbuilding steel plate. In our plate products, dedicated board only 20% to 30%, the proportion of developed countries specialized steel generally 40% to 70% or more, and do breed structure optimization and serialization. At present, China's production of special plate varieties, properties are not advanced in the varieties, specifications, mechanical properties, etc. are not fully meet user demand for high-level dedicated board needs. Therefore require more precision high-strength steel plate to meet the market demand.
The topic is "an annual output of 900,000 tons Plate workshop process design," The design of the plate material mainly with domestic and international situation, consumption and market needs, with reference to the mill Angang product solutions, production batch Width: 1500 ~ 4000mm; thickness: 6 ~ 150mm, products Q235B steel grades for common carbon plate, shipbuilding plate, boiler plate, container plate, low-alloy plates.
This is a designed of medium and heavy plate factory with an annual output of 0.9 million tons .Combined design conditions and the requirements of annual yield, the design completes 10 product varieties, 10 product specifications and metal balance sheet table. A cogged ingot (230mm × 1950mm × 2795mm) of Q235 is used for the rolling medium plate, and a typical product specifications is 40 mm × 3000mm. An optimized plant design, research and explore all reasonable technology and in-depth analysis and discussion of its impact and mechanisms of action, the final completion of integrated high-performance low-cost high-efficiency hot rolled plate production workshop design.
The design is typical of ordinary carbon steel products, also known as ordinary carbon steel. Carbon content of 0.06-0.22%, to less than 0.25% is most commonly used. A low-carbon steel, each metal grade indicates that the steel is less than 16mm in thickness when the minimum yield point. Compared with the high-quality carbon steel, carbon content on the range of performance as well as phosphorus, sulfur and other residual element content restrictions wider.
Such steel by oxygen converter, open hearth furnace or electric furnace, usually rolled into plate, strip, profiles and bars. Hot-rolled steel sheet generally (including controlled rolling) or normalized state delivery. The chemical composition of steel, tensile properties, impact energy and cold performance should meet the relevant requirements.
Then, the design task, the production process carried out to determine the species and to develop a product solutions and production processes. For main and auxiliary equipment selection, according to product requirements, determine a reasonable device parameters; Secondly, the production process of all process systems, force and energy parameters were calculated, including the calculation of the rolling table, tools, design and strength check; Again, shop layout, determine device spacing, flow lines and production facilities in an area calculations; well yield was calculated on the workshop, including the equipment, production capacity, production capacity and average hourly workshop workshop production capacity; Finally, the preparation of technical and economic indicators to determine the workshop of the equipment, raw materials, power and other use level indicators. Finally, according to the design parameters ,draw a floor plan of the workshop.
















