    摘要:本实验以21种市售的动物肉为样品,经微波消解处理后采用石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪对样品进行镉、铜、锌、硒、铅含量的测定。微波消解的条件:温度分别为100℃、120℃和140℃,压力分别为10atm、15atm和20atm,功率为800W。所得的标准曲线,线性相关系数R2 都大于0.9,线性相关性较好。测定的结果表明,肉类中Zn和Se含量较高,Cu和Pb的含量较低。所有样品中清蒸牌牛肉含Cu量是最高的,其含量为0.62µg/kg。含量最少的是爱森牌后腿肉,其Cu含量为0.067µg/kg。所有样品的重金属含量都未超标在国家规定的安全范围内。
    关键词: 重金属;肉类;原子吸收

    Analysis and evaluation on the Content of Cuprum in meats
    Abstract:In this experiment,21 meats samples are used to test the content of Cadmium, Cuprum,Zinc,Lead, Selenium by using the microwave digestion and Zeeman graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Conditions of microwadigestion :the temperature is 100℃、120℃and140℃,pressure are 10atm、15atm and 20atm ,power 800w.The coefficient(R2) of the liner correlation was greater than 0.9,it is a good liner correlation .The result shows that the content of Zn and Se is higher,Cu and Pb is lower.In all samples ,the hightest content of Cu is qingzhen brand beef ,the  content  is 0.62µg/kg.The lowest is aisen brand ham,the content of Cu is 0.067µg/kg.All samples heavy metals content is lower than the content which worked out by China.
    By means of the experiment, which determination of the content of heavy metal elements (Cadmium, Cuprum,Zinc,  Lead, Selenium) in meats, the paper has preliminary studied the content of the 5 heavy elements in meats, and provided new data and references for people to make reasonable selection of choose the balance diet and the right meats for supple the elements which the body is lack.
    Key words:heavy metals;meats; atomic absorption
    1引言    1
    1.2 肉类食品中的污染物    1
    1.2.1 兽药    1
    1.2.2 多环芳烃    1
    1.2.3 真菌毒素    1
    1.2.4 农药    1
    1.2.5 重金属    2
    1.3 重金属过量的危害    2
    1.3.1 铜元素    2
    1.3.2 锌元素    2
    1.3.3 铅元素    3
    1.3.4 硒元素    3
    1.4 国内外测定重金属的方法    3
    1.4.1 原子荧光光度法    3
    1.4.2 电感耦合等离子体质谱法    3
    1.4.3 电感耦合等离子发射光谱法    4
    1.4.4 高效液相色谱法    4
    1.4.5 酶分析法    4
    1.5 测定Cu元素的方法    4
    1.5.1样品预处理    4
    1.5.2 标准溶液配制    5
    1.5.3 测定条件    5
    1.6我国几种肉中含金属的情况    6
    1.7本课题研究的目的与意义    7
    2材料与方法    8
    2.1实验材料与试剂    8
    2.2 主要实验仪器及设备    8
    2.3 实验方法    8
    2.3.1 样品预处理    8
    2.3.2样品消解方法    8
    2.3.3肉类中重金属的测定方法与评价    9
    3结果与分析    11
    3.1肉类中重金属含量检测方法与评价    11
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