    关键词: 酵母;海藻糖;优化工艺;提取
    Optimization Study on Extraction of Trehalose from Yeast
    Abstract:Trehalose is a new kind of preservative,widely exist in microorganism. In recent years,The rapid development of industrial production of trehalose brings prospects for persification. Trehalose is a kind of stable disaccharide, can be extracted from yeast. The process of extraction threhalose is Extractant extraction→Cool down→Centrifuge→Remove protein→Removal of alcohol→Bleaching→Ion exchange→Crystallization in ethanol→End product. This article compare a few key points in method of extraction incould roken methods, extraction methods, extraction time and extraction temperature, obtained the following results:
    1. In the high temperature environment yeast will produce trehalose to maintain metabolism through, the highest accumulation of trehalose is 30~36℃.While temperature gets too high it will kill yest,that could cause decline of accumulation of trehalose.
    2. Use snail enzyme broken the yest cell wall received the best results broken(30mg add to 1g thallus,ww) 92% of the yeast cell wall has been broken. But take considerate of cost,microwave method has a high economic value. Under the action of microwave field 72% cell wall of yest has been broken.
    3. Trichloroacetic acid has the best extraction, and the only extract is trehalose.
    4. 2400 rpm speed centrifugal extraction good. Too high and too low speed will affect the extraction effect.
    KeyWords: Yest; Trehalose; Optimization of process; Extract
    1  绪论1
       1.1  本课题国内外研究进展1
         1.1.1  海藻糖的特性1
    1.1.2  酵母产海藻糖1
         1.1.3  海藻糖的提取1
    1.2  本课题研究目的及意义2
    2  实验材料和方法1
    2.1  实验材料 2
          2.1.2 试剂5
         2.1.3 主要仪器5
    2.2 分析方法6
    2.3 实验方法6
    2.3.1 生产菌株的确定6
        2.3.2 测定生产菌株的生长曲线6
         2.3.3 选择破壁方法6
     2.3.4 绘制海藻糖标准曲线7
         2.3.5 选择提取方法7
         2.3.6 优化提取工艺7
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