     The influence of drying methods on functional ingredients of edible roses
    Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is comparing functional compositions and volatile components through different drying methods,to choose the best way. And through whole experiment to get a complete report about rose’s nutrition. This experiment adopts the kjeldahl nitrogen determination method and soxhlet extraction method for determination of protein and fat in the rose, to detect mineral elements through atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The method of NaOH-AlCl3-NaNO2 to detect flavonoids, the HPLC can detect the variety of flavonoids. Using the forint phenol colorimetric method to detect the content of polyphenols in the roses. This experiment adopts potassium bichromate colorimetry and fluorescence methods to determine vitamin C respectively. By GC-MS to detect volatile components in the roses. The experimental results showed that edible roses in protein content is 8.2%, fat content is 4.1%, moisture content is 85%; determination of five kinds of mineral elements in the edible roses, respectively iron (49.568 mg/kg), zinc (MMG1.166/kg), copper (0.504mg/kg), potassium (0.3g/100g),magnesium (0.038g/100g);after different drying methods about flavonoids content, polyphenols content, vitamin C, the influence of freeze drying is the best, after dealing with the different drying methods of rose the volatile composition of comparative analysis, the best way is vacuum drying. Combined with the above results and sensory quality, freeze drying is the best.
    Key words: rose; mineral elements; functional ingredients, volatile components; drying methods
    1绪论    1
    1.1玫瑰花概况    1
    1.1.1玫瑰花概述    1
    1.1.2玫瑰花的营养价值    1
    1.1.3玫瑰花的研究情况    2
    1.2果蔬干制概况    3
    1.2.1干制的意义    3
    1.2.2干制的研究情况    3
    1.2.3干制的前景    4
    1.3本课题的研究目的和意义    4
    2实验材料和方法    5
    2.1实验材料与试剂    5
    2.2实验仪器设备    6
    2.3实验方法    7
    2.3.1玫瑰花的干制    7
    2.3.2蛋白质的测定    7
    2.3.3水分的测定    7
    2.3.4脂肪的测定    7
    2.3.5矿物元素的测定    8
    2.3.6黄酮类物质的测定    8
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