Abstract:In this study, five kinds of stem and leaf vegetables cooked including cabbage, beans, lettuce, garlic and chives were selected as experimental material. the change of nitrite content of was studied by visible spectreophotometry at room temperature (20 ℃) and at low temperature (5 ℃). The results showed that, within 48 h, the nitrite content of cabbage, beans, lettuce, garlic sprout and chives were both arriving their peak at 48 h under the normal temperature by 4.76mg/kg, 2.3mg/kg, 2.57mg/kg, 1.9mg/kg, 1.79mg/kg. At low temperature, the nitrite content of the five kinds of vegetables also reached the maximum at 48h, respectively by 1.92mg/kg, 1.05mg/kg, 1.01mg/kg, 0.91mg/kg, 1.34mg/kg. The storage of five kinds of vegetables at low temperature could delay the increase of nitrite significantly, compared with those at the room temperature (P < 0.05).
Keywords:stem and leaf vegetables, nitrite, overnight
1前言 4
2实验材料与方法 4
2.1实验材料 仪器设备和试剂 4
2.1.1实验材料 4
2.1.2实验仪器 4
2.1.3试剂 4
2.2实验原理 5
2.3实验材料的获取及存放 5
2.4实验方法 5
2.4.1样品处理 5
2.4.2亚硝酸盐标准曲线的制备 6
2.4.3样品测定 6
2.4.4亚硝酸盐含量的计算 6
3实验结果与分析 6
3.1亚硝酸盐标准曲线 6
3.2茎叶类蔬菜隔夜后亚硝酸盐含量变化 7
3.2.1不同温度下包菜亚硝酸盐含量的变化 7
3.2.2不同温度下豆角亚硝酸盐含量的变化 8
3.2.3不同温度下莴苣亚硝酸盐含量的变化 8
3.2.4不同温度下蒜苗亚硝酸盐含量的变化 9
3.2.5不同温度下韭黄亚硝酸盐含量的变化 9
4 讨论与分析 10
参 考 文 献 12
致谢 13
随着社会的进步,现在的人们对饮食的需求不仅仅满足于温饱了,而是追求膳食营养均衡,大鱼大肉也不再仅仅是餐桌上的品必需品,蔬菜也变成了不可或缺的菜品。人体中一些维生素、膳食纤维主要来源于蔬菜,同时,人体内绝大多数的硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐也来源于蔬菜。这是因为蔬菜在生长过程中,由于化肥的使用和地下水的中硝酸盐的污染及某些植物本身的固氮反应,容易富集硝酸盐。有人曾做过调查,人体摄入的硝酸盐81.2 %来自蔬菜[1]。